Chapter Four

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Fumi snatched her jacket before heading out the door. The morning chill always gives her a shiver. She made her way to the agency, needing only a bus ride to make it there on time. Her mind was full of Dabi and what to do with him. She has to tell someone the truth. If not she's just harboring a villain, which can get her in plenty of trouble as an accomplice.

No, she had to tell Fatgum at least. Then he'd know what to do. Or at least which cops to get involved. She made up her mind. She would have to tell them. Hopefully Dabi can forgive her later. Dabi...

She blushed a little thinking on last night. She did her best to act professionally but when he was shirtless....good God the muscles on that man.....

She shook her head as she approached her stop. She headed into the agency and scurried around looking for the man in charge.

"Hey Fumi!" Said Kirishima as he approached her, his uniform now on and heading out soon for his morning patrol.

"Hey Kiri! Have you seen Fatgum? He's not in his office."

"Oh yeah! He'll be back any minute he's just bringing in snacks for the office."

"Okey dokey thanks Kiri! Good luck on patrol!"

"Thanks! I hope I find a villain to put up a manly fight!" He said in his signature pose. Being his senior, Fumi wacked him in the back of the head.

"Dummy, you shouldn't hope to see a villain!"

He rubbed his head and said "okay okay" before heading out for patrol with a licensed hero. He was still interning at the agency, his future job guaranteed here. Fumi on the other hand had been working at Fatgum's agency for a few years now, ever since her graduation. She recently turned 21 and she still loves this job as much as she did the first day she got here.

She made her way to her desk, looking at her graduation picture with Fatgum that she had framed on her desk. He really was like a brother to her. A smile played on her lips as she remembered how they met.

A young Fumi was in an alleyway, getting smacked in the back of the head by a much younger Fatgum, his scolding making her cover her ears as she blew a raspberry at him. And then-

"Hey kiddo!" He said as he walked in with a few boxes of doughnuts, from the bakery a few streets down. She always wondered why he made the walk all the way there if there was a bakery on the corner of this same street. That was until she found his coffee cup with a 'call me' followed by a phone number.

He was bullied into finally giving this mystery baker lady a call after Fumi quickly grabbed his phone and dialed the number for him. He was getting ready to scold her when the woman answered the phone.

"You little brat! I'm gonna-! h-hi this is fat, ahem I mean this is T-Taishiro, I wanted to call you back after I got your message." Fumi snickered before going back to her desk and getting started on paperwork for the office.

"Ya dang brat!" He said as he approached her desk. She stifled a giggle at him. His cheeks were flush pink after the phone call ended.

"Do you have a date?"


"Then you're welcome Taishiro. Also I have a favor."

"You're still a brat.... And what's the favor?" She signalled to his office for privacy. His expression turned serious as he followed her.

Dabi was still at the girl's house, lazily laid across the couch as he flipped through the channels.

'boring, boring, bor-'

On the tv there was a live interview following the aftermath of a villain wrecking havoc on a nearby city. The hero in question?


His hand tightened on the remote as the interview continued, Endeavor basking in the paparazzi's lights and cameras as he explained how he stopped the villain. Dabi gritted his teeth as he shut off the tv and tossed the remote to the side. He went to the bathroom to wash his face and attempt to cool himself down. Which is sort of impossible, considering his quirk.

He splashed his face with water a bit before shutting off the faucet. He looked at himself in the mirror, his face dripping as he glared at his reflection. He hated him. Hate, hate so much.

He hates his staples, his burns, his fucking blue eyes, his chronic pain from the burns...

He hates that Endeavor gave that all to him.

He could see those same fucking eyes Endeavor has, he has them too.

Disgusting. So fucking disgusting.

He punched the mirror, the glass shattering around his fist. His knuckles began to bleed as shards of glass were embedded in his skin.

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