You're a Fledgling Vampire

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~🌅The Next Day After School🌅~*🎸No One's POV🎸*

Deku slowly opened her eyes, everything was surprisingly bright, almost blinding even. "What happened?" She said as she got out of bed and went to the bathroom. But when she got there she was surprised at what she saw, or didn't, in the mirror. "AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" Bakugou was in the living room when he heard Deku scream, good thing the whole building knew about what happened to the green haired teen.

"I better go explain to the nerd what happened." He said as he got up and headed over to the bathroom. When he got there he knocked on the door. "Oi, Deku. Is it alright if I come in?" He heard a yes from the other side of the door. He then opened it and saw Deku looking at the mirror with a panicked look on her face.

Bakugou was about to ask her what was wrong when he looked at the mirror and saw Deku's reflection was so murky he could hardly see it. "Kacchan, what happened to me?!" She asked as she turned to look at him. He was about to answer when they heard a ding noise coming from the living room. "That must be Dad. Mom did say he was going to call this week." Deku said as she and Bakugou went to the living room.

She then got a laptop from under the coffee table and put it on top of it, she then turned it on. A few minutes later a video of a black haired man appeared on the screen. "Hi Dad." "Hey Mr. Midoriya." The two childhood friends said to Deku's father. "Hey Katsuki. And Izuku, is that you?" Hisashi said, his eyes on his son turned daughter. "Yeah, it's me." She replied. This caused Mr. Midoriya to have a look of surprise on his face.

"I know the transformation would be different with you, but I didn't think that would happen." When he said that the two teens stared at him. "You mean, you know this was going to happen?!" Deku said, her eyes changing from green to a glowing emerald green which startled Bakugou a bit. Before her dad could answer her three men came behind him in a blur.

 Before her dad could answer her three men came behind him in a blur

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"So you gave the pendant to your half-breed daughter. That will make getting it for the Monstrum Foedus very easy." The blond on said, causing the black haired man to turn to face them. He then grabbed what looked like a filled water balloon and stood up. "Leave my daughter*HISS*!" He said as his brown eyes glowed yellow and grew fangs like Deku's. He then threw the balloon at the blue haired man, and when it hit him it burst causing him to scream and turned to dust, which startled the two teens.

Hisashi then grabbed something made of wood and ran up to the two remaining men in a blur, but the gray and white haired man got away. Hisashi then grabbed the blond man by the shirt, but the man just smiled evilly at him. "You can stake me but by the time you find Ketsueki, he would have already told the Monstrum Foedus about that daughter of yours having the pendant." As soon as he said that Hisashi then drove the wooden object into the man, causing him to scream and turned to dust like that man who was hit with the water balloon.

Hasashi then walked back to his computer, his eyes back to normal and his fangs gone. "I'm sorry you two had to see that." He said as he sat down. Deku and Bakugou just sat there, not saying a word until Deku spoke up. "What the heck was that?! Why did your eyes turn yellow and you grow fangs?! How did you run that fast?! Why did those two men turn to dust?! And why did one of them call me a half-breed!?" She asked her dad. He then took a deep breath before he spoke. "Well you see Izuku, I'm not human. I'm a vampire." He said, he could tell the two teens wouldn't have believed him if they didn't see what just happened.

"So were those three men just now vampires?" Bakugou asked. Hasashi nodded his head. "Yes, they were. And Izuku, in case you're wondering. Yes, you're half vampire, that's why that rat blood-sucker called you a half-breed. But because of your human half you're a fledgling vampire and you won't be a full vampire, in a seance, until you drink human blood." Hasashi explained to Deku and Bakugou. "And the reason why those two turned to dust was because I hit the first one with a balloon filled with holy water and I used a wooden stake on the other one." Hasashi said.

"But what's the 'Monstrum Foedus'?" Deku asked. "'Monstrum Foedus' is Latin for the League of Monsters. They're a group of evil monsters that came to be about 150 years ago that want to turn all humans into monsters. My job is to stop them, sometimes I'll have to kill them." Hasashi explained to them. "But why are they after my pendant?" Deku asked. "That's what I want to know!? I mean, what's so special about...." Bakugou didn't finish his sentence because his eyes turned white. In Bakugou's mind he saw Deku's pendant on the neck of another vampire that kind of looked like her, he then saw a red haired man holding the pendant as it glowed and a wave of energy came from in, causing at least a dozen humans to turn into monsters.

When it was over Bakugou pulled his hand away from the pendant. "Kacchan, are you alright? As soon as you touched my pendant you froze and your eyes turned white." "That's because he's a seer." Hasashi said before he explains what seers are(Look up seers on the My Babysitter's a Vampire Fandom to learn more) and telling them when a vampire use the pendants power they can drink a vampire's blood, but when any other supernatural being uses it they can turn as many humans as they want into monsters.

"So this means I'm supernatural as well?" Bakugou asked. Hasashi nodded his head. "Yes. Katsuki I'm counting on you to help Izuku. Now that the League of Monsters know that she has the pendant the two of you have to work together to keep Musutafu safe from them. I'll send you a book about everything I know about supernatural beings and how to defeat them." The three of them then said good bye to each other before the video cut off. The two teens then sat there in silence until Deku's stomach grumbled. "I'm going to get us a snack as well as see if there's any meat for you to drain the blood from." Bakugou said as he got up and went to the kitchen.

A few minutes later he came back with a glass of water and raw steak on a plate with a knife and fork and a side of chips. "Here. I'll get myself something to eat in a little bit." Bakugou said as he gave the glass and plate to Deku. As soon as their hands touched Bakugou had another vision and Deku had a feeling she knew what it was about. When it was over Bakugou looked over at her. "So, do you know?" Deku asked her childhood friend. "You mean about All Might asking you to be his successor? Yeah, I know but I promise not to tell anyone." Bakugou said as went back to the kitchen. 'So this is my new life? I wonder what other supernatural beings me and Kacchan might meet that'll be on our side?' Deku thought as she took her first bite of bloody meat.

But little do the two childhood friends know they'll meet three new friends who will aid them to defeat the League of Monsters and protect all of human kind.

Unknown Location #1

A black haired teen boy was sitting on the roof of his house, watching the sunset. "Ready for your first lesson on being on a Boogieman?" A dark purple haired woman said to the boy, who was most likely her son. The boy just nod his head before got up and walked over to his mom. The two then hold hands before they disappear into the shadows on the roof.

Unknown Location #2

Sitting on a couch was a girl with pointy ears sticking out of her long indigo hair. On either side of her were adopted parents, Shota Aizawa (Eraser Head) and Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic). "Don't worry Toshi, we'll love you no matter what." Hizashi said as he hugged the young girl. "Thanks Pops, I needed that." She said as the three of them hugged each other.

Unknown Location #3

In a one bedroom apartment was a blond teenage boy with dragon horns, wings, and tail. He was fixing him dinner, on the counter was a picture of a younger version of the teen with a black haired woman with dragon horns, wings, and tail and a yellow haired man, all three of them were dressed like a King, a Queen, and a Prince. "I promise I'll make you two proud." The teen said as he picked up the picture.

Okay, just so you all know UA already has dorms in this AU. And there are two main villain groups in this story, the League of Villains and the League of Monsters. Lets see if you can guess who three mystery teens are. See you next time my Fighting Cubs!

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