14. The freaks

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NANCE, THE DOOR!" Karen yelled from upstairs. She decided since the kids were having a party, she would read a book up in her room. To give the kids privacy, since she trusted the only teens.

Nancy ran to the front door, opening it with a light smile pasted on her face.
"Hey Steve, Ohh-.. who are you guys?" Nancy asked seeing the kids standing excitedly behind the taller man.

"I'm Max! You look cool, where's Robin, I need to tell her something" max said, almost too excited for her own well being.
"She's in the kitchen making popcorn, it's right th-.. and she's gone." Nancy stated, turning back towards max, to see she had disappeared.

"El, I'm El" eleven half whispered nervously. Before Nancy could respond she walked off towards max.
"I'm Dustin, this is Lucas and this is will" Dustin said while pointing at his friends
"Do you have any siblings, Steve said you had a brother?" Will said, quietly.
"Yeah yeah I do, he should be in the basement" Nancy replied. After all the kids had gone to explore the house, Nancy turned to Steve.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Nancy asked Steve, with gentle eyes.
"Oh I'm okay, Uhm, I hope you don't mind, I Uhm... Invited one of my... friends over too, he's really cool don't worry"
"Oh, no problem, can't wait to meet him!" Nancy said with an excited smile.
"Cool, I'm gonna go find my children" Steve said, as he walked away.

"ROBINROBINROBIN" max yelled, her red hair covered her face as she excitedly jumped up and down.
"Max? What's gotten into you? You're happy, almost too happy. But I'm not Complaining, it's good you're hap-"

"Shut up, and come with me" max said as she grabbed Robin by the arm and dragged her to the living room, Wich was empty.

"I asked el out"

"Oh my god max! What'd she say? of course she said yes!? Right?!" Robin was now almost as excited as max was. The redhead stood there shaking her head up and down, a wide grin playing on her face. She was so full of energy, it was crazy.

"Ah! Maxie I'm so proud, my baby gay is growing up" Robin made a playful pouting face. She gently nudging max on the shoulder, But soon after started to smile. Max latched herself onto Robin, hugging her tightly.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
"No problem kiddo, it's my job as the older gay, now go find your girl, she's never been here before and knowing her she's probably lost."

"I love you Robin, you're the best, you also have great advice"
"Yeah, well try telling Steve that" Robin sarcastically said while rolling her eyes.

"I love you too Mayfield" Robin spoke after max, as her younger friend walked away.

It has been an hour since everyone had arrived. Eddie, Steve's new friend had shown up 20 minutes after Steve and the kids. Everyone was now down in the basement, enjoying snakes and soda drinks.

Will and Mike were talking about DND, they looked so content in each other's presence. Some people just click. Dustin and lucas were arguing over what movie to watch later, while el and Max drew pictures of eachother.

The older teens were upstairs talking.

"Rob, how are you doing lately?  I haven't had a chance to ask you, I'm sorry, you're my best friend I should be able to check in with yo-"

"Steve, I'm fine, okay?"

"I don't believe you, it hasn't even been a mo- I mean, yeah okay, if you say you're fine, you're fine.." Steve started but stopped himself before he said something infront of Eddie. But it was too late

"Robin, I saw what they wrote on your locker a while back, that's disgusting- not what it means, or anything like that, the way people treat you at that hell hole is disgusting, you don't deserve that" Eddie said, hoping that Robin didn't think he was trying to be rude.

Nancy reached over grabbing Robin's hand to help calm her down a bit, she noticed that the taller girl was zoning out and focusing more on her breathing. Nancy recognized that behavior. She'd do it back in grade 9, when she'd try to stop herself from crying.

Robin quickly snapped back to reality at the contact. She stared at her and Nancy's intertwined fingers, a small blush creeped over her skin. Eddie noticed, but decided not to say anything. He knew how it felt to be judged for something you can't control. The last thing he wanted was for his new friends to think he was a horrible judgemental person.

"You ladies dating yet? I see the looks you give eachother" Steve blurted out. Forgetting Eddie was there. Steve wasn't paying enough attention to Robin. He didn't notice her breathing faster than normal, and the way that she was staring of into nothingness.

Maybe Nancy wasn't the one, maybe she'd leave her for someone else, a guy. Who she could do things with, in public. Maybe Nancy didn't even like her. She could be faking. Maybe the wold was right. Maybe the only thing Robin would ever be was disgusting.

Robin couldn't breath, her thoughts were rushing around her brain. She was a train reck, god who the fuck would love a stupid girl like her. She was wrong to believe Nancy even cared.

(In Robin's head)

Nancy looked at me in disgust.
"Hah, you really thought I'd be able to love a gross Dyke like you." Nancy mocked, her beautiful voice speaking suck awful words, it echoed through Robins head.
"Kill yourself"
"Come one? Let me touch you, you're supposed to like it"
"Ew stop staring"

(No longer in Robins head)

The voices haunted her, she didn't sleep well most nights, she couldn't focus in school, she'd cry in the bathroom when no one was around. What even was the point of her being alive? She seemed to only exist for people to destroy her. They'd make fun of Robin to feel better about themselves. She has no reason to stay, what was she giving people? What were they giving her, besides headaches and bruises. But if she told anyone the truth, they'd probably call her crazy, or a freak.

"Oh- oh Steve, why would you- uh. I mean... what are you taking about, n-no I mean.. god no that's- so.. wrong. Uhm well I mean-... I don't think it's wr-" robin said, clearly embarrassed. She didn't finish her sentence, she just roughly pulled her hand away from Nancy's, as she got up and stumbled away.

Okay I lied, so the 'action' is just starting,
Next chapter will be full of interesting topics. It'll be so fun... Hah to write I mean.
Anyways hope you guys are doing well.

t's 3am so sorry for spelling and grammar errors.

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