The Final Chapter

183 6 10

I'm backkk, hi

Tw: description of the car crash
and injuries, and scares.
Also. gayness. Lots of gayness

~Robin's point of view~

      My mind flashes back to the night in the woods, for a second i forget where I am and live out the horrors of that night. Nancy's legs torn and broken, shiny glass covered in her blood. It was a horrible memory I've tried to erase for years. I remember the dream I had, of us sitting by the lake, tangled up together, laughing, kissing, happy.

     Then I remembered waking up to sirens, Nancy's blood soaking into my clothes. I remember the scream I let out, the men running towards us, to help her off of me, I remember her breath, barely there. I don't remember how the ambulance showed up, I don't know how they knew we were there. I would've have died there with Nancy, I would not have been able to move.

     A movement takes me away from my thoughts, a soft rustling in the sheets beside me. A hum floats through the air, and the sound of birds drifts through the open window. A smile finds its way to my lips, the images of fire and gore, are now just exactly what they are, a distant memory. The light greens of the wall, and yellow of the early morning sun, is all I know in this moment.

     Another movement, and my eyes drift over to her. The blanket is hardly covering her, due to all the moving around. My eyes scan her over. The scars on her legs, arms, and the one on her cheek. She's so strong. The softness of her skin, she glows in the sunlight. The way the blue tee-shirt (my blue tee-shirt) makes her eyes shine. The pinkness in her face, her hair falling in messy curls covering half her face and neck.

     I reach out to move a piece of her hair, my fingers feel a sting of electricity when they meet her skin.

     "I love it when you do that" she says sleepily, waking up to my touch.

     A smile finds its way to my face again. I know, that's why I do it, because she loves it.

     "I know" I say
     "Of course you know"

     I sit up in bed, staring down at her, with love in my eyes. I can't believe she's mine, how'd I get so lucky?

     She reaches out and grabs hold of my hand, pulling me back down beside her, resting on my right arm, she gently pulls my left hand close to her and kisses my fingers. "I'm so in love with you" she says.

     A pink flush spreads to my cheeks, a sting of warmth lingers on my fingers where her lips met my skin. I have no words I need to speak for her to understand how I feel, I've spoken them all. I lean down. Pressing our lips together, her fingers intertwine with mine, bringing my hand up to her neck. I graze my fingertips along her skin, as her lips warm mine.

     My fingers move along her collar bone, and chest, tracing shapes, and leaving a trail of an electric buzz. Her hand moves from her neck and finds my waist. Pulling my closer. The love I feel in ber touch is unbeatable. I've never felt so happy around anyone. Other than her, she brings out this need in me. The need to show her how much I care. For her, for my friends, for my life. She literally lights the light inside my soul. I'm not sure if it's healthy but, I don't fucking care.

     Some how, she manages to flip us over and ends up on top of me, her lips still attached to mine. Sending lightning into my bones as her hands move at my sides, up and down my body. Her lips move across my face, she places small pecks across my cheeks. A giggle falls out of my mouth.

     "Stopp, it tickles" I say through laughs.
She doesn't stop and inside begins to tickle my stumach.
"No no no, Nancyy, stopp" a fit of giggles and squeals leave my mouth, as I try and push her off of me. When I finally succeeded, her face is red and and she is trying to hold back a smile, making her cheeks puff out and her lips turn down. Her eyes glow with love.

     "You asshole" I say.
     "I am so offend, how could you, I thought you loved me" she says. Crawling back on-top of me, staring down into my eyes.

     "I do, I do I swear, I surrender, tickle me to death if you must" my eyes closed tight, as I prepare. A tiny giggle leaves her lips, she places a kiss on my nose, and climbs off the bed.

    "I'm going to go make pancakes, would you like to go downstairs and wake up steve?" She asks me, standing in the doorway of our bedroom, I can't help but scan her body again. She's so perfect.

     "On it" I say, jumping up to thrown on shorts. We have a family trip today. We're taking the kids (now Twenty, but still kids) to a pride celebration a couple cities away. With El and max still together, and Mike and will coming up on their one year anniversary. I think it's a good event for our little family. Of course Dustin and Lucas wanted to come, they've always been really accepting of everyone in the group, so it was a no brainer that they would tag along.

...Time skip...

     We make it back home later at night. Still full of love and hope for our future, seeing other gay couples, has really done good for us, and the kids. I'm so glad we were able to go.

     Our house comes into view as we pull into the driveway. Steve in the backseat passed out. Me in the passenger seat, eyes locked on Nancy's side profile. God she's so gorgeous.

     Steve wakes up when the car stops, and we all climb out of Nancy's car, and head into the house. The clock on the kitchen table reads 11:51pm. Me and nancy say our goodnights to Steve and head up to our room. I walk in first and sit down on the bed, looking up at Nancy as she turns and closes the door

     "What are you looking at?" She asks, confusion in her expression.

     "You obviously" I say. But I can't help the love that leaks from my voice. Instead of sounding smart, and confident, I sound completely in awe for the sight before me. It is true. But it still baffles me, after all these years of being with her, it's like I still can't believe it. That she's my girlfriend.

     I'd marry her if I could.

     She starts to look through the dresser for some comfy clothes to get changed into, so I get up and do the same. We're used to changing infront of eachother, but sometimes it still gets me.

     After we're tucked into bed, one lamp on. She snuggles up close to me, I'm laying on my back, and she places her head on my chest.

     "I am so thankful for you Robin, I don't know what my life would be without you" a shiny tear traces a path down her cheek.

     "Nancy you saved me, so many more times than I can count, I just. I'm just so happy you.. you're still here. I wouldn't be able to live a life without you, I wouldn't be living I would be surviving, berley. You make me live" I say, out of breath, a silent tear rolls away from my face onto Nancy's hair.

     "Yes nance?"
     "If one day, we're allowed to marry eachother. Can you promise to marry me?"

     She moves from my chest, and stares down into my eyes, shiny like hers. A faint smile on her lips. She looks sad, like she knows it probably won't happen.

     Of course I'd marry her.

     "Nancy, love of course I'd want to marry you, you're the only person I'd ever want to marry, you're my person. Please let me marry you."

     Her smile grows big, and closer, as she places a kiss on my lips, I breathe in. Heat rising in my stomach. My hands find their way to her hair, pulling her closer. In this moment all I need is her to be near her, to feel her on me. I swear I could live in this moment forever.

Authors note.

You're welcome, happy ending<3
Sorry it took me so long to get here, school starts in 4 days, I'm not ready for that. But writing this has made me a bit more happy.
I love Sapphics so very much.
Hope you enjoy, and maybe I'll be writing other stories in the future, who knows.

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