stalker !!

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The popes made their way home (to the Vatican), blissfully ignorant of a lunatic and literally Satan following them. While hid under the window, the unlikely partners could overhear some of the popes' conversation.

"I want to be on top." — Frafra declared in an extremely demanding way.

Y/n couldn't believe what they were hearing. Did he get possessed too? There's no way conservative, shy Frafra would say something this outrageously bold.

"No way. That's my spot. You're staying down there."

"You're always so selfish!!! You only think of your own pleasure and comfort, would it hurt to have it my way for once!?"

*a dramatic gasp.*

"How dare you?!"

"You're only offended because you know I'm right—"

Y/n was disturbed by a dramatically loud slap, which they knew instantly— could only be done by a drag queen.

"My job here is done."

"But you didn't do anything..." —started Y/n, but their beloved Satan was already gone.

Frafra stood there, frozen for a second before his lips clashed to Boniface's.

"Do it again." —Frafra said between kisses.

Y/n couldn't take it anymore, they looked through the window and saw the two popes making out in front of a bunk bed.

They smiled knowingly, then glanced at an emergency ladder of the Vatican. They climbed to the top and, feeling conent with the conclusion the popes arrived at, they jumped, hoping for nothing but for reuniting with their cutesy little pumpkin pie in hell.

A/N: "majdnem meghaltam, az olyan vicces lett volna🤪🤪🤪"
   - Zsófi

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