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Double update Yoooo🥳

And jungkook ? well he always stay quiet because his mom told him to stay .. And always in his room whenever his parents fight with each other .. But he knows what happened outside of his room .. because when his mother open the door of room.. he can see the fingerprings in his mother cheeks and small small cuts in her body. He only have his mother to talk with .. He most of the time stay quiet because he don't feel like talking ..so yeah .. and he hate his father with all his heart.. he think his father a monster which is true.. he don't know what he gonna do if his mama not with him .. that's how his childhood is going..

It's a pretty normal sunday in Jeon's house..

Mrs.Jeon is feeding jungkook his lunch, when jungkook said...

Koo - mama .. wanna go to park ..

They both usually goes to park in Sunday evening..

Mrs.j - yess we will go baby ..

Koo - but mama .. Hum dada ?

Mrs.j - don't worry . we'll go hnm ? now eat ..

Actually the matter is .. Usually Mr.Jeon didn't stay home in sunday.. but today is different, he is in home from the morning.. So jungkook was thinking that he will not let them go .. But until .---

Mr.j - you two will go to park today ?

Mr.jeon come out of somewhere and said ..

Mrs.j- ye-s ( said nervously)

Mr.j - okay .you don't have to come fast..

Said and went through his room..

Mrs.j - what ? ( she said to herself confusedly)

After getting ready, both son and mother went to park. Few hours later getting tired they both sit on the benche in the park..

Mrs.j - here drink some water baby..

Give a water bottle to her 5 year old son ..

Koo- mama I wanna ask you something .

Mrs.j - yes ?

Koo - why are you with dada ?

Yes ,he is small but his maturity is not that small ...he knows the pain his mama feel every single day... But he don't understand why his dada like this ? why is mama have to get the pain .. he don't know.

Mrs.j - beca-use I loves hi-m ( said hesitately in a small voice) ..

Koo - but he don't loves you !

Mrs.j - what are saying baby he lo-

Koo - no i heard him saying to you that he don't love you !!! Than why are you with him mama . he hurt you so much ..!!

He said with tears in his eyes . Mrs.jeon is crying too.. After hearing her son talking with so much maturity.. In just age of five ..

Mrs.j - so what if he don't love me ? I love him and will be until the last .. if you truly love someone their happiness is your happiness .. if we left dada than dada gonna be alone, there will be no one to take care of him right ? ( softly said )

Koo - right .. But is it true ? if we love someone their happiness will be our happiness ?

Mrs.j - yes it's true .. when we truly love someone then, if they are happy then we become happy . if they are sad than we become sad . if they are hurt ,you too feel the pain. and their happiness matter the most to us.. we can do anything for them.. even if we have to sacrifice our own happiness we never take step back..This calls Love baby ..
You are too small to understand that now.. when you will be grow up you will understand this fully.. Hmm ?

Koo - okaii ..

They both sit in silence for few minutes then Mrs .jeon said softly..

Mrs.j - kookie will you promise me one thing ?

Koo - yess

Mrs.j - if you love someone don't give up on them ..if that person don't loves you back !! that's okay .. your love is enough for both of you .their happiness will be matter the most to you..yes everything has their own limits and your love has limits too.. if the time passed by and that person never love you back !! you will move on and promise me that you will not become like me .. Promise me kookie !

Koo - promise mama ..

After sometime of chit chat both return to house .

Koo - mama you go inside I will just go and meet my Roses and come back..

Mrs.j - ok but don't sit in the ground and don't play with waters... Hmm ?

Koo - okai

Said and run through the garden and Mrs.jeon went inside the house..

As she was about to open the room of their bedroom ,she hear a sound or ...more like moans !

She softly push the door.. Her husband is having sex with someone else! She stand there not making any sound and watch her husband with someone else ..

To be continued.💜

I'm feeling sad for Mrs: jeon ..🥺

One sided love is worst . 🖤😌🍂

Ok good night 🦋♥️

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