⚚Song Kang.

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Third Person P.O.V _____


14 Feb .. Valentine's Day .

It's feel good to wake up in your love's arms everyday. and it's almost feel unreal waking up in an arms whom you thought you never can hold, That person is out of your reach.

And it took jungkook more than 2 months to finally believe, that his tiger will stay in his arms until a grim reaper come and take jungkook to hell or heaven ..

Jungkook was so busy in his thought that he didn't realize that the sleeping person in his chest started to wake up.

He was still caressing taehyung hair while looking at the morning sky, through their badroom window.

Taehyung slowly place a kiss on jungkook chest. making jungkook finally realize that he wake up. And said in his morning deep voice.

Tae - what my baby thinking hmm?

Said while rubbing his nose on jungkook neck.

Koo - how i get so lucky to have you.

Said in a small voice while caressing taehyung hair.

Tae - you mean how i get lucky to have YOU?

Jungkook chuck and said.

Koo - yeah yeah, Okay now wake up hyungie. ohh i forget! Happy Valentine's day hubby.

Jungkook said while looking at taehyung with his sparkling eyes , make taehyung lost in it ..

Tae - Happy Valentine day my beautiful.

Jungkook smile sweetly and asked.

Koo - you gonna stay home today right?

Tae - absolutely yes! I promised you. I have to stay , and we'll watch movie togeth-

Taehyung didn't even completed his sentence suddenly his phone started to rang. making both of them flinch.

Tae - wait a minute baby.

Taehyung take the phone, and saw it was hoseok who is calling him. He stand up from the bed and went a little far from jungkook . and attend the call.

Tae - yes hyung?

Jh- V, it's an emergency !

Taehyung frown and said. Hoseok and yoongi only address him as V when is something related with mafia.

Tae - But i'm in leave today.

Jh - i know. but its important, V.

Taehyung sigh.

Tae - Okay i'll be in office at 11.

Said that he cut the call and turn. but his eyes went wide when he saw jungkook standing there with a sad face . taehyung walk to him and try to stay something, but jungkook was fast enough to cut him off.

Koo - I'll go and make the breakfast .. Come after get ready .

Jungkook said and turn ,went out of the room leaving a guilty taehyung behind.

Tae - It's has to be something very important Jung Hoseok or you're so death today!


Meanwhile, In the kitchen jungkook was making breakfast with so much aggression ! He's cooking so loudly you can literally hear every plate and bowl sound !

Koo - he said he'll stay with me today! What a liar! The audacity! Meanie!

He keep on saying thing with a huge pout over his lips ..

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