Class Pre-Union

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"Taxation without representation

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"Taxation without representation. King George."

Monkeys, who wore a crown on his head, said, "We provide the colonists with all their finished manufacture of goods. We deserve remuneration."

"General Washington."

Cory, who had a wig and hat on, spoke next "Fine. Keep your goods. Like we need your stinking British goods. We're American, we're independent. We'll get our goods from Japan."

The class laughed, and Natalia shook her head, trying to stop herself from doing so as well. Mr Feeny, though, was less then amused.

"General, I'm dying for you to elaborate."

Cory threw his hands up in the air. "What's the point, Mr Feeny? We are no we kick British."

"And loses aside, general. If we do not understand history, we are doomed to repeat it's mistakes."

"Oh, who cares about George Washington?" Cory demanded. "Who cares about King George? Was every boring guy in history named George?"

Daniel had to muffle a snort that he made. He saw Natalia's eyes widen in amusement, and she shared a look with her brother.

Mr Feeny looked at Cory, who realized his mistake. "I mean every dead boring guy."

"Apparently, the past holds no fascination for you."

Cory nodded. "No, it's happened. It's done."

"It's history"

"I'm saying!"

"Perhaps we should study your history, Mr Matthews."

Natalia shook her head. "I know Cory's history, and it is not very interesting."

Cory pointed to Natalia. "She's right Mr Feeny. I'm more interested in my future."

Mr Feeney brightened. "Oh, well then, it might be more interesting for us to look into our futures. To see if we can avoid our mistakes before they happen."

Shawn sighed and said, "I smell an assignment."

Cory his hands up. "I swear, I didn't see it coming."

"The assignment for all of you, is to create personal histories for your selves, as if you were returning for your 20th high school reunion."

"More like a pre-union." Minkus said.

Mr Feeny nodded at him. "Well said, Mr Minkus. You are the graduating class of the year 2000. What is your profession? Do you have children? Are those children tormenting the sixth grade teacher?"

"Mr Feeny? Would it be okay if I brought my wife?" Minkus asked.

Shawn scoffed. "Oh, come on, Minkus, what's going to marry you?"


Shawn's face dropped, and he set up on his desk as the class today. He pulled Natalia from her desk chair, and set her in Cory's. He glared at Minkus and said, "Two steps back."

"Yeah," Daniel agreed. "And if she'd be anyone's wife, she'd be mine."

The class got louder, making Shawns glare deepen. "Two steps back as well."

Natalia gave both boys nervous smiles, and backed up behind her brother.


"You're going to show up as a tire salesmen?"

"That's what my dad does." Shawn defended.


"I know what to wear. I know how to use a pressure gage. I can spot a retread from a mile away." He explained.

"Shawn, you're so boring." Cory sighed.

"And lazy." He agreed.

"What about you, Natty?" Cory asked. "You gonna be what your mom does?"

Natalia shook her head. "There's a dress code against what my mom has to wear for her job."

Cory nodded. "So, what do you think you're going to be when you get older?"

Natalia thought for a moment. "I think an actress."

Cory snorted. "You? An actress?"

Natalia glared at him. "Okay. What are you going to be?"

"Cory Matthews, centerfielder for the Philadelphia Phillies."

Shawn and Natalia started laughing, making Cory glare at them. "What are you laughing at?"

"You had 31 errors in little leagues last season." Shawn said, trying his best to hide his laughter.

Cory rolled his eyes. "Okay, so I didn't play up to my enormous potential."

Natalia scoffed. "Yeah. Right."


Natalia stood next to Daniel, who was dressed in a simple sweater and khakis.

"What are you supposed to be?" Shawn asked. "A nerd?"

"I'm an author." Daniel responded. "What are you? A bean bag with arms and legs?"

Shawn glared at him. "How original."

Daniel rolled his eyes, turning to Natalia, who smiled at him. "Well, I think it's interesting."

Shawn rolled his eyes. "Of course you think it's interesting. You're borderline a nerd too."

Natalia rolled her eyes. "Just because you have floppy hair, and people think you look like a puppy—"

"Whoa, who said I look like a puppy?" Shawn asked.

"A lot of people actually."

Shawn furrowed his brows, looking between Natalia and Daniel, giving them that classic lost puppy look that he always wore. Daniel turner to Natalia, and have her a smile.

"I like your dress." He said. "Your an actress, right?"

Natalia nodded. "I'm going to be a movie actress when I'm older."

"But you're so smart, why would you throw it away to act?"

Natalia rolled her eyes. "Shut up, Cory."

Natalia turned back to Daniel who smiled at her.

"So, what kind of books do you write?" She asked.

Daniel shrugged. "Fiction, mostly."

"Like, fantasy fiction, or just fiction fiction?"

"Um...fantasy fiction." Daniel blushed. "What about you? What kind of movies do you do?"

Natalia shrugged. "I do a variety. But I mostly do family friendly, musicals, stuff like that."

"What musical is your favorite to do?" He asked.

Natalia tilted her head, trying to find an answer. "I don't know. It's hard to decide."

Daniel nodded. "I think you have an amazing job. I would watch all you of your movies."

Natalia turned red. "Well, I'd read all of your books."

"And I would throw up," Cory said, stepping between the two. "Take a step back, Daniel. Shawn's distracted, so it's my responsibility to make sure Natalia doesn't get hurt."

Natalia stared at Cory in disbelief. "What is wrong with you? Get lost."

"No can do." Cory said. "I'm in charge of you while Shawn is busy."

"You have five seconds to get out of my face before I crush you like Feeny crushes your dreams." Natalia snapped.

Cory held his hands up, and backed away. "Fine. But I'm getting Shawn."

He walked off, making Natalia groan. She really did love the to of them, but they were nightmares sometimes.

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