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"You wanna get something to eat?" Y/N asked, adjusting her sunglasses. She flipped the page in the magazine she was holding, enjoying the warm breeze. The magazine had articles about all of the Motley Crue men, as well as their wives and girlfriends - Y/N was lucky she wasn't featured in this issue... At least, not yet. They'd managed to dodge paparazzi and fans thus far, though she knew a time would come where the tabloids would find her.

"I have a better idea," Nikki said, jumping up to close the curtains of the cabana, turning to her with his classic devilish grin. He wiggled his fingers at her and she laughed. Nikki swore it was the most beautiful sound in the world.

"No way, Nikki! I'm not getting a public indecency charge!"

"Don't wanna deal with the Mexican police?"

"Fuck no."

"Fair enough." Nikki settled back down next to her. "Hey, so I've been thinking, right-"

Y/N interrupted him with a grin, "Which is never a good idea."

"Shut up. So, anyway, I've been thinkin'. I'm in love with you. And I hate to say that because I've been such a jackass, and you totally deserve better than that. But, I do. I love you. And if that ruins what you've got going on with Doc, fuck it."

Dropping the magazine, Y/N sat up and removed her sunglasses. "What?"

She thought back to the time in the hotel room, where Nikki claimed that he would never be in love with a woman. How she'd bit back her tears and prayed that he never meant her. How the boys had laughed and agreed, she wondered if they'd laugh again once they told them they were 'official.'

"You deaf or somethin'? Jesus Christ, I said I love you."

"I love you, too, Nikki!" Their lips caught in a passionate kiss, and before she knew it, she was sharing a chair with the bassist, her chest pressed against his. "I thought you'd never say it."

"I thought about it," he teased, giving her another kiss. "But I planned this trip for another reason."

She hummed in response, her head coming to rest on his shoulder.

"Let's elope."

"What?" Y/N nearly shrieked, shoving herself off of Nikki's lap and onto her feet. Her heart was going a mile a minute, and she thought for sure she'd pass out. What would she tell Doc? What would she tell her family? "There's no way we could do that!"

Nikki followed her, keeping the space between them small. "Why not? We could do it here, nobody would even fucking know! I love you, and you love me, who the hell is gonna stop us? If we're hitched, Doc can fire you, sure, but then you can come with us anyway!"

Y/N crossed her arms. Sure, she would love nothing more than to spend her life with Nikki, but it was so quick, and life had a bad habit of throwing curveballs at them; well, what's one more?

"Look, I even brought this ring," Nikki dug through his bag and presented her with a small diamond ring. Tears immediately filled her eyes as she imagined all the years she'd spent with Nikki, watching him with groupies and generally "whoring around." Could he really commit to her?

"Okay," she breathed, "I'm in."

(A/N: I'm back! Sorry for the short chapter, the next ones are already in progress, and will be much longer! Just need to do some quick story progression.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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