Chapter 14 ~ Bastian

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After Marco and Mario explained what happened, Bastian was furious. Sure the boys have to follow their hearts, but they've hurted Jill so badly.

Eventhough Bastian knows he's being inreasonable, he wants to punch Marco in his face so badly. He's walking around angrily and when Marco tries to say something Bastian breaks and wants to smash his nose, but Lucas picks him up and walks outside.

"I'm calm now Lucas, you can put me down." Bastian says, not knowing where Podolski is going until he hears the water in his pool. Before Bastian is able to protest, Podolski throws him into the water and they laugh as Bastian climbs out of the pool completly soaked
"See, I know how to calm you down Schweini."

"Thanks man. I'd have broken his nose if it weren't for you" Bastian says while drying his hair

"I know Basti,I know. Lets go inside and get those boys to bed."

After Mario and Marco went upstairs, Bastian and Lucas finally have the time to talk properly.
"Scheiße Lucas, this is exaclty why I didn't agree with this weekend in the first place. Not because I didn't trust Marco, he's a good boy, but I was so afraid she'd get hurt and now this happened." Bastian says emotionally

"It will be okay Basti, every rejection brings you one step closer to 'the one'. I know this wasn't just somebody, but if the boy's gay, we can't do shit about it. And believe me, Jill will get stronger out of this. Don't worry about her, she's 19. She'll manage this perfectly fine and somewhere soon she'll be standing here with her boyfriend, okay Basti?." Lucas says while hugging his friend

"I guess your right." Bastian says when at the same time, his phone goes off
"Hey princess, you've arrived safely?"
"Yeah, it was a long ass drive, but I'm finally here. Have the boys told you what happened?"
"They did, Mario felt so sorry and Marco was sweet too. I got mad though. I was about to break Marco's nose, but Poldi threw me in the pool." Bastian says laughing
"Haha, that's awesome! I'll go to sleep in a minute. Thanks for your care Basti. I love you."
"I love you too princess, now get some rest."
"I will. Sleep well Basti."
"Sleep well!"

"And?" Podolski asks

"She sounds fine, but I'll call her tomorrow and ask if she wants to come over next weekend so we can chill together and forget all this."

"Sounds like a plan! Oh, and Basti, how long do you want my ass around here?"

"As long as you want Lucas! You're always welcome, but don't you have to train or play matches?" Bastian asks

"I have a vacation at the moment so I could stay another week, but only if you can handle me." Lucas says laughing

"I think I can handle you, don't worry haha."


The next morning, Marco and Mario have to leave early because of Marco's training. Jill said she'd be there so they wanted to leave in time. Bastian thinks it's nice of the boys to go say sorry to Jill in person instead of calling her or something. After the boys left Bastian and Lucas decide to do some grosseryshopping.
In the afternoon Bastian calls Jill to ask if she wants to come next weekend. She says she'd love to come, but that she wants to bring someone. Bastian asked who, but she said that'll be a surprise amd that he'd be proud. He has no idea what he must think of that.
He talks about it with Lucas who is as curious as Bastian.
"She doesn't have a boyfriend does she? It has been a day or two days since the shit with Götzeus." Bastian says

"Well, it could be, I heared Marco talk about her texting someone. Who do you think it was she was texting with?" Lucas asks

"Uhhm. Since it couldn't have been Marco or Mario, I guess it would have been her roommate or one of the Dortmunders."

"Why teammates of Marco?"

"She went to their training last friday and she was really enthousiastic. They started a groupchat or anything, so she has almost all their numbers." Bastian says

"That sounds reasonable. Who do you think it could be from the team?"

"Ehm. I don't know what her type is. I've heared her talking about Langerak, Durm, Hummels, Immobile and Reus before so that's still 4 guys to choose from and we don't know if it is one of those 4."

"I guess we'll have to wait till saturday then."

Jill went to school that week like always, she's studying fashion management, she wants to organise fashionshows in the future. She and Erik went on a lot of dates, but Jill slept at home and had to make homework, which Erik would help her with. They're now on their way to Bastian and Lucas, who are still really curious who Jill will bring.

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