"Sir Reus, what do you think of Mario going to Bayern?!"
"Marco, do you think he's a traitor?"
"Mario is called 'Dortmund's traitor' what do you think Reus?"
"Stop it! Stop with all the exact same questions!"
"But Marco, he let Dortmund down for the money, the goddamn money!"
"No he didn't!"
They're quiet now.. Marco takes a deep breath and starts talking,
"Okay, to end this ridiculous 'intervieuw'. No, I don't think Mario's a traitor. He went to Bayern because he thinks it will be better for his carreer. Bayern is higher ranked so I can't blame him. You shouldn't blame him for going there either. And you're sick if you think he went there because of the money. Did he come to Dortmund for the money? NO, he came here to improve his football skills and he's doing the same thing now, but with another club."
The room remains silent until suddenly a girl with an age of around the 18 takes a step forward and asks,
"What's going to happen to Götzeus?" Marco smiles to this girl who made his day by asking this.
"We'll still be together I guess. That depends partly to Mario my dear. It will be hard to still get our coffee every saturday, but I will try my best."
The girl smiles to Marco as if he has just granted her wish. After the intervieuw the girl meets Marco at the back-intrance of the stadion.
"Hey it's you! What's your name?"
"Hei Marco, I'm Jill, Jill Schweinsteiger"
"Schweini's little sister! Nice to meet you Jill, you're a Götzeus fan I suppose?"
"Hell yeah I am!" she laughs really cute while saying that.
"Who is your fave? Me or Mario?"
"Mario.." she says blushing. Goddamn you Mario, he always gets the pretty fans.
"Already thought so." I say winking.
"It's not just because he's all hot and things like that, because you're too, but just his inner... It's just that one little piece better than yours, a bit cuter, you know what I mean?"
"I know exactly what you mean. I would have chosen Hummels if I didn't know about Mario you know." I'm teasing her and her face is getting more red every second.
"Stop teasing me Reus" but she can't hold herself and bursts into laughter
"Let me guess, you want to meet him?"
"There's nothing I want more!"
"Well, why don't you ask Bastian to take you to a training or so?"
"He knows about my thing for Mario... but he don't want me to get a relationship or anything with a teammate.."
"Ahh, the big brother protection proces. Well, I could help you ofcourse, but I want to get to know you more at first."
"That'll be easy. I live in Dortmund. I wanted to move back to München, but Bastian thought it was all about Mario."
"Wasn't it all about Mario then?"
"Nooo... Well mostly, but I also wanted to stay here too, for you! I'm a Götzeus fan huh, keep that in mind Reus. That Mario's my fave doesn't mean you haven't got a place in my heart too."
Marco starts blushing and is really flattered by this answer."That's really sweet." Marco doesn't know what to say.
Jill brings a heartwarming smile on her face and says "no problem Marco, I guess I have to stay with you."
"I'll help you to win Mario's heart. I'm a huge fan of lovestories you know." she giggles and her face turns red.
"It would be such a honor to talk to him, but I don't know if I would be able to.."
"I'm sure you will! Mario is as awkward as you are, don't worry." Marco didn't expect a face to be able to turn this red.
"Okay, okay, I'll stop. We'll get you to meet Mario and I'm sure you won't feel awkward anymore once you two start talking. I'll get an appointment with him and you'll join and tada, relationship."
"Uhmm, I'm not sure it works that way, Marco, maybe he got back to Ann?"
"How dare you say such horrible things. no, NO. It's more likely he'd date me rather than Ann. Really, don't worry about that girl." Marco's face turned from sassy to darn serious.
"Okay okay, I'll try, but I gotta go now, my friend is waiting for me to make dinner for her."
"Why would you make dinner for her?"
"It's my turn. Should I give my number so you're able to contact me when you spoke Mario?" Marco's face lights up.
"Ocourse! I'll call you really soon, I'm going to make work out of this Jill." She gives her number while her face is overloaded with happiness.
"Actually, I can't even believe I've just had a conversation with you. My fangirling feels are about to get active."
Marco laughs, she's being more than just cute!"No problem Schweini 2."
"One more thing, just... make sure Bastian doesn't get to know any of this okay?"
"Sure thing! No problem. I'll call you as soon as possible!"
"Okay! Bye Reus!"
"Bye Jill!"