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"Eomma, I am leaving. I have two classes. I will come back soon. don't worry" Jin said and left. He is taking classes to crack civil service examinations. He had already gave up his dream of becoming a pastry chef. Since it's not possible anymore. he thought that these exams will help him to forget about his dreams and passion. But his everyday struggle reminds him of his dream. Despite everything he is still striving for his mom. She works three jobs to pay for Jin's tuition fees. It took Jin 1 hour to reach the education center by bus. Things are not easy here for Jin. He gets trolled by his batchmates. Although he has some friends.

"Noona, you are early today?" Jin said to Jisoo. She has pursued MBA. she was also doing a job. But couldn't take the stress of work. Left the job and now trying to crack the civil service exam like jin. Jin and Jisoo have a lot of similarities. One of them is weak in maths and all the other science subjects.

"Yes. You know today is maths class. I have to do good. I didn't understand a few problems in the previous class. So, I have to ask again" Jisoo said. they were chatting when a boy entered the room. he is short in height and extremely fair.

"Good morning, Ji-hoon" Jisoo greeted. Jin smiled at Ji-hoon. Nobody knows that Jin and Ji-Hoon are in a secret relationship for the past 6 months. They didn't want to keep it secret but Ji-hoon suggested so to avoid any rumors and controversies.

"Exam is in 1 month. I am still halfway done. What will I do? you are finished, isn't it Jin?" Jisoo asked.

Of course he is done. Don't you see how he answers every question? He and Seo-Hwa are on equal parlance. They are going to crack for sure. Ji-hoon never leaves a chance to compliment his boyfriend.

"Oh! Please. Will you guys stop" Jin got shy? After a few times, more students rushed in. the classes started. As usual, most of the problems went over Jin's head. But he thought that once he goes back, things will be clear.

After the classes end, Jin waits for Ji-hoon to come down. They g home together, rather Ji-hoon drops Jin home. For the past 6 months, things are going this way. They had their moments of anger and fight but things sorted out eventually. But is he really happy?


"Taehyung just more years of hard work and one day you will represent Korea," A man in his late 40s said.

"Coaching, my father also wants me to complete my high school education. He wants me to graduate from SNU. But I want to play baseball. You know I had to score 72% to come here just for practice. Appa was hard to convince" Taehyung said while practicing the grip and hit.

"Don't worry. One day when you will represent Korea and will achieve great heights, you father will be proud of you" His coach said. Taehyung just nodded and continued practicing. State-level baseball championship in=s in two months. Hence Taehyung and others are practicing hard to get selected.

After practicing hard for 6 hours every day, Taehyung goes back to study center to complete his homework and assignments. He has to keep up with his studies to play baseball. He is quite famous among girls. He also had a gf. But due to pressure, he had to break up and that girl also left him since Taehyung never showed any emotional attachment towards her. He just doesn't know the reason why he never feel attraction towards girls. But he never took the issue seriously. Since he had to juggle between studies and baseball. But one day he might.

"Ok! All of you practice hard. You have only two months in your hand. Once you get selected in the state-level team, no one would dare to touch you. So practice hard. I have high hopes from few of you. Hwaiting!" Coach said and dismissed everyone.

Taehyung was packing things when a boy in his early 20s stood in front of Taehyung. He just knows who is it.

"Seo-jon don't worry. He was talking about you" Taehyung said with a sigh.

"Of course! He will. I know that. you struggle so much and you are still lot to learn in baseball. Two months are not enough. Better luck next time may be" Seo-jun said and left.

"Arao! Its hard to get selected this time" Taehyung said to himself and sighed. He was waiting for his bus, when he saw a boy quite older than him, was staring blankly at something. He followed the boy's gaze and saw an advertisement about hotel management course. He noticed that after staring for 10 minutes, the boy left wiping his eyes. Taehyung just shrugged his shoulders and rode his bus. He was dead tired but he have to study till midnight. So, he was less bothered about other's problems. He already is dealing with tons of them.


Jin was walking home when his phone rang. It was his noona.

"Noona. How are you?" Jin asked.

"I am fine. Where were you? I have been calling you from morning." She said.

"I was in class. I am just about to reach home. I'll call you once I reach" Jin said and disconnected the call.

Although he accepted his fate, but sometimes he wonders can he just quit all these math and physics? Can't he pursue his dream? But there is no way around. After reaching home he called back his noona. Jin's mom started speaking to her. Jin went to his room and did all the work and freshened up. He did his homework and then had his dinner. After settling down he called Ji-hoon.

"You reached on time? Did you had your dinner or only studying?" Ji-hoon asked in a concerned manner.

"I had. I also finished my dinner. I won't survive without food you see. Today I was talking to Sooji" Jin said.

Sooji is another batchmate of Jin. She is younger than Jin. Jin considers her as his little sister. Sooji also considers Jin as his big brother. they share a lot of things together.

"Oh! What did she say? I saw you guys were engrossed in a conversation" Ji-hoon said.

"She was asking you. Like we were discussing about the boys we have in our class. So, she was telling me that out of everyone, she finds you a bit nerd type. Good and completely harmless" Jin said with a smile thinking about the good side of Ji-hoon.

"Sorry? What? I am a nerd? Does she even know what is she saying?" Ji-hoon said roughly.

"She didn't mean that way. Nerd in the sense that you don't argue back you are also soft spoken. you are not rude like others. That's what she meant" Jin tried to manage the situation. This thing happened before also. Ji-hoon misunderstands him all the time. But Jin never gives up on him.

"She has insulted me and you are saying that she didn't mean that way? When Seo-hwa insults you. How do you feel?" Ji-hoon asked.

"But Sooji has not insulted you. Seo-hwa bullies me and that's bad Ji-hoon." Jin said.

"Oh! I got it. Sooji is like a sister to you. So, she can never make a mistake. you won't ever go against her. I got your point. I am feeling sleepy. I am hanging up" Ji-hoon disconnected the call without giving Jin a chance to explain himself.

"Why does he always misunderstand me?" Jin asked himself. He doesn't even know how long this relationship is going to last. Although he is not giving up now. But one day he will.


Hey guys! I am back with another story. I hope you will like this chapter. Many things will be revealed as the story will progress. Please wait patiently. Also, my updates will be a bit irregular. So, don't be upset. I will definitely update.

I updated on a very special day. On Jungkook's birthday. I wish him all the luck and since BTS is lucky for me. I hope this story goes well and you guys like it. Thanks for reading.


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