the calmness before the storm

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Life always asks you to be mature and strong. But there are moments that forces you to be a little immature. But does that immaturity allow you to be open minded as well?

"Hi Tae, actually I got to know that you are here. So, I came to give you some company" Jennie said while hugging Taehyung.

"ok. But I already have a company" Taehyung said.

"No no. I am leaving only. You guys enjoy. Don't worry I'll go" Jin said and left.

Taehyung tried to go after Jin but suddenly saw few media houses, he stopped right there. He didn't want to create any chaos nor he wanted any problem for Jin. Jin went to his room, took his luggage and left. His eyes were teary.

"UL-I- hajima. Andwae" (don't cry. No don't) Jin said to himself. But the tears fell eventually.

"Why are you crying Jin? He said 'I like you' just like that. Maybe he likes you as a friend or something. Nothing else. You shouldn't have come in the first place. Now he has become more out of you league. He is celebrity sportsperson now. You just stay in your small world" Jin said to himself. He took the last train and reached home. His mom opened the door. Jin tried to smile while looking at his mom. But his puffy eyes said otherwise.

"You came early? All ok?" His mom asked. Jin hugged his mom and cried a bit.

"Eomma. Your son is a fool. He believed those words. He got fool again. You might be sorry to get such a foolish son?" Jin asked his mom.

"Annio. I am lucky that I am your mother. even if I born again, I will be wanting you as my son" His mother said.

Next day at work was pretty hard for Jin. He got a bit of scolding and bashing. Chefs made comparison with Jimin, misunderstood him. He doesn't have the energy to react. He was just standing there with a hope that one day he will prove everything wrong.

Taehyung tried calling Jin. But Jin is not picking up. He came to Jungkook's house.

"I fucked up bro. I didn't know Jennie was coming. She just came and then I saw some media person. I didn't go after Jn. He just left" Taehyung said.

"Hyung, are you crazy? You could have like excused yourself. Now he is not picking up your call. What you gonna do now?" Jungkook asked.

"Murugesseo" taehyung said with a disheartening expression.

Just then Yoongi entered with an exciting face,

"Tae. Do you know what happened? Media spotted you and Jennie yesterday at some resort and guess what everybody is going gaga over it. You followers increased 40%. This is good for you since you are debuting in national team." Yoongi said while scrolling through his phone.

"Omo! Jungkook's followers also increased after his sweaty gym looks. I am super happy today as your manager" Yonngi said with a wide smile.

Taehyung was about to say something but Yoongi left to attend a call.

"why everything is getting so frustrating? Jin must have also seen the news. What am I supposed to tell him?" Taehyung asked

"You only strand a chance after Jin hyung picks up your call. Not before that" Jungkook said.

"But when that's gonna happen?" Taehyung asked with a sad expression.


After 1 week.

Jin was getting ready for his shift. He is gradually solving all his problems. He has decided not to listen to Chef's bullshit. His mom's motivation is also included. He hurried his way since he had to catch 6:20 bus. His mom is on holiday today.

"Jinnie, just don't listen to their nonsense. Always smile and fac it bravely. Have faith in your abilities. Work hard. It never betrays you" his mom said Jin hugged his mom tightly.

"Saranghaeo eomma. See you soon" Jin said and left. He turned for the last wave at his mom. He then took the bus and reached the hotel on time. He changed in his chef coat and had his breakfast. He was doing his shift for 5 hours continuously. When he finally got time to check his phone he saw 17 missed calls from his mom. He re-dialed his mom's number.

"Eomma? What happened?" Jin asked.

"Jin-ah. I am Imo lily from next door. Come home fast. You home caught fire and your mother as inside. We already took her to the hospital. Please come fast."


Hey guys! Welcome back. As I have promised I have updated another chapter. I hope you'll like it. Please like it and do share your precious comments. Thankyou.


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