Chapter 5A: Goddamn Wizards

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I've been procrastinating on this for a minute.

Gotta love having no motivation.

Fun times.





Drawing your Sequoia as fast as your aged hands allowed, you fired several rounds in quick succession, missing Emerald entirely and striking Mercury in the left shoulder.


Mercury holds his shoulder and drops to a knee, his right hand quickly becomes coated in blood as he adds pressure.

Emerald begins returning fire, getting In front of Mercury to give him a chance to take cover behind a few boulders. Several rounds strike the area around you and Qrow, causing miniature explosions that send dirt and rock in every direction.

Qrow dashes forward, he reels his scythe back and jumps towards Emerald. With little time to react, Emerald rolls out of the way as Qrow slams his blade into the ground, leaving a deep cut on the ground.

You finish reloading your gun and take aim, firing two shots at Emerald. One grazes her thigh, while the other hits the ground in front of her.

You put the Sequoia back in its holster and grab Dinerbell from your back. With Emerald distracted by Qrow, you put your focus on Mercury, who is still taking cover behind the boulders.

You jump on top of the boulders, only to be met with a kick to the chest. You're launched back several feet, tumbling across the ground before regaining your footing and taking aim with the shotgun. Mercury walks towards you in a kick boxing stance, his left arm hanging numb at his side.

"You're gonna pay for that one, mother fucker!"

You rack a shell and fire, but the gun jams, giving mercury a chance to close in on you. Kicking dinner bell out of your hands, he quickly follows up with two sharp kicks to the ribs, producing a sickening *!CRACK!*.

[Hhhgck] (trying to type what someone breaking their ribs sounds like is weird)

You fall to your knees, violently coughing up a mixture of mucus and blood onto the inside of your helmet. Grabbing three stimpacks from your pocket, you quickly jab all of them into your arm, sending you into an adrenaline rush. As fast as you could, you drew your ranger Sequoia and blindly fired a shot that grazed Mercury's hip.

The whirring of the bullhead's engine mixed with the ringing in your ears deafened you, as it was directly overhead. The doors open up and and an older man with blond hair jumps out.

He hits the dirt and rockets towards Mercury, reeling his fist back

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He hits the dirt and rockets towards Mercury, reeling his fist back. In a split second, Mercury dodges to the side, barely avoiding the mans fist. Gaining some distance, Mercury and Emerald regroup near the edge of the clearing.

a full clip and some jet. (male courier RWBY insert)Where stories live. Discover now