Chapter 3

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Working alone has always been something you were used to doing, something that you loved doing. However, the more time you spend looking for Pesu, the more you realize that working with other people may not be as bad as you thought. In fact, maybe it was your best option because right now, you are having a hard time looking for him.

You are never really good at keeping track of time, so you don't know how many hours have passed since you started looking for him, but one thing is certain, you have spent quite some time. Perhaps, quite some time is even an understatement for the number of hours you spent searching for him. After all, you started searching for him when the sun was up, and right now, its presence is no longer in sight. Its light was now outshined by the dullness of the moon and the stars.

You are currently in an abandoned village, trying to look for Pesu. You didn't know how you got there because you just followed where your foot took you. Besides, Edo has changed a lot since you last saw it, so you weren't really familiar with the ins and outs of the place. In fact, you were actually lost. You have been inside the village for a while now. You were no longer there to find Pesu. Instead, you were there trying to find an exit out of this place.

Trying to find your way out of the village, you heard the sound of footsteps approaching your back. You stopped in your tracks and immediately held the hilt of your sword, getting ready to attack the person walking in your direction.

"You wouldn't want to do that, Miss."

The moment you heard a masculine voice say that you felt a sword near your neck. Humans must've really hated you, for not only do they shun your presence, but also try to wipe your existence. Still, no matter what they do, you won't let them get their way.

With one swift motion, you did a backflip, and just like that, both of your situations changed. You were now the one pointing your sword to the guy's neck. Now that you've exchanged places, you could see some features of the guy, such as his light brown hair. You even noticed how he was wearing a police officer's uniform.

"What do you want? Are you here to kill me? Did the government ask you to do that?"

The guy laughed at your words.

"Why are you laughing? I don't get it."

The guy stopped laughing. He decided to turn his back away from you, so he could face you.

"Stop, right there. What do you think you're doing?"

"Trying to get a peek at my enemy's pretty face."

You held your sword closer to his neck. You didn't have time for jokes.

"One more wrong move and you're dead."

The guy laughed once again.

"What the hell is so funny? Your life is in danger. I could just chop your head off, right now."

"Yes, you could, but you didn't. It just shows that you cannot kill me."

"Oh, I can."

"But you would rather not."

You were taken aback by his words. It's like he could clearly see what's on your mind, for you never really have any intention to kill him. If it was your old self who was in this position, you would've killed him the moment you noticed his presence. You wouldn't have let him utter a single word, but you weren't your cold-blooded self right now. You were the self that wanted nothing to do with your past, the self that no longer wanted to add more blood splatters on her dirty hand.

You placed your sword back on its sheath. The guy must've felt you do that, for he now decided to turn his back once more. This time around, you didn't stop him.

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