Baby girl

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June 13th

Yesterday my beautiful wife gave birth to my beautiful baby girl. Lonnie Janae Morant. I can't lie I haven't took my eyes off of her yet she's just so beautiful and tiny.

My parents were spending the first few weeks here to help out Lauren and I with the baby. I can't lie it was needed because Lauren has slept all day except when it was feeding time.

I was currently in the nursery just watching my princess sleep. "Damn I'm a father now"

"Same thing I said son" My dad appeared scaring me

"Pop, put a mask and some gloves on around baby LoLo"

Poppa Morant laughed at how protective Ja was of the baby already. He did as told and walked up to see his first and only grand daughter.

"Hello Lonnie, its your pop pop. Yeah you call me when mommy and daddy won't give you what you want. Yeah that's right granddad gonna spoil you" he baby talked

I guess Lonnie liked what he was saying because a small smile appeared on her lips.

"Dad, Im scared" Ja said it with so much emphasis and no filter his father knew he was serious

Come on son, let Marie and Tonya spend some time with the baby." He said and they walked out

Now son, it wasn't so long ago we sat on this porch talking about what you were missing to complete your life after you got drafted. I know you're scared but you and Lauren have more than a village behind you and always remember as long as you try your best, love your child and be better than your mother and I as parents you can never fail," Dad said

But dad how can I be better than you? The things you did for mom, Chris, tonya and I. The love you shown, the sacrifices no one tops that," Ja admired his old man

Well you have more money than I ever did at your age so now you can give my granddaughter the world and you won't have to sacrifice the way I did. Last thing be there mentally. If you can't there is nothing wrong with therapy and be active in her life like you are the court." He said

Thanks, pop," we hugged

Ja knew he had Lauren had more than a village behind them to help with baby Lonnie. But he was still scared of fucking up.  He walked back into the house and to the bedroom to check on Lauren.

"Hey wife. You look so beautiful. How we feeling?"

My mom was telling me how women feel insecure after having a baby so I have to make it my business to make sure Lauren doesn't feel insecure about anything.

"Hey husband. I'm a little hungry and sleepy still"

"What can I get you?"

"A glass of milk, yogurt and toast with extra butter"

"Oh now your eating like a squirrel" we laugh

"Can you help me go to the bathroom?"

Without another word Ja helped Lauren to the bathroom. After she was done he escorted her back to he California king size bed where she had her feet propped up, mini fridge stocked and the remotes sitting next to her.

A few minutes later I was back in the room with her food.

"Thank you baby"

As Lauren ate her food I got a text from my agent saying Lauren's push gifts were ready. It was only right I got both of my babies something after putting them through such a traumatic but beautiful experience.

"Babe, I'll be right back I have to go pick up something"

"Mmm" she mumbled before going back to sleep

Ja took a Lyft to the mall first and picked up the necklace that said "Lonnie" and the tennis bracelet that had "LMJ" charms. All of it was diamond encrusted. He then went to the car dealership where he got Lauren the newest Tesla model.

When they first started talking about push gifts she said the only thing she really wanted was the newest Tesla and a brand new wig. I gave my sister my card a week before Lauren was due and let her order it. That bitch cost $1,000 who knew hair would cost that much?! But I didn't care anything for my baby.

When I pulled up to the house my sister let me know that Lauren had just finished breastfeeding my daughter. They put Lauren in her wheelchair and blind folded her as planned.

Surprise!," I yelled when the blind fold came off

Temetrius you didn't!," Lauren cried

I did. You have me the most beautiful gift so I had to give you the best. Check what's on the passenger seat," Ja smirked

Lauren wheeled herself to the side and seen the 50 inch jet black middle part wig.

My first party I'm wearing this," Lauren admired the wig completely forgetting the car

"and of course I got my daughter some jewels."

"Temetrius Morant, I love you." They kiss

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