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it was the umpteenth time that they ran after some "bad guys" as small obligatory missions in days entirely dedicated to laziness in front of the TV. and by now they had also lost count of the times when they surrendered immediately as soon as the ninja entered the scene

but these species of thieves seemed to be more resistant, and unfortunately, when they arrived at their hiding place, the thieves were quite cunning to run away

and that's how they now find themselves separated by the less walked streets of the city

Jay kept himself in the company of his team through the transmitter in his ear, while a little anxious, he walked towards the long straight and dark road that was assigned to him like everyone else

but once he saw nothing in front of him, even the end of the road, he stopped his search and informed the others

"nothing, here there is no trace of hooded brats" and so he was ready to go back, but a sudden sound stopped him first

as if icy, he turned again towards the end of the road, checking the area from top to bottom

at this moment he didn't know if he had gone crazy or if he had really heard what he had heard, but.. a cry of a child was what made him go back

"the blue ninja" a voice from behind alarmed him, immediately setting in a defensive position

"Tell me, what are you doing here?" Jay asked, ready to hear a stupidly stupid answer

"for ransom" but this was a slightly different answer than he expected

and again out of nowhere, the lament of a child is back, and even closer than before

his doubts were revealed as soon as another of the companions of that strange guy showed himself next to him, and in his arms lay something

"please don't tell me it's a child.." Jay said frustrated, somehow hoping he wasn't right

but when they did not give a negative answer, but rather, a smug laugh, it made his blood boil

"Give me the baby, now." he took it seriously in an instant, absolutely already angry

"so easily? naah.." the guy with the baby in swaddling clothes in his arms said

"the child will not detach himself from his arms without any reward"

"the only reward you will have will be my kicks in your butt" and with this, he started and used his kicks and punches against them, obviously managing to attack them

once he had the baby in his arms, he curiously removed the blanket from his little face

the child seemed fortunately alive and well for Jay, also seeing that he was still awake

still having his mask and hood on his face, he believed that it could hypothetically scare the baby, but in reality he was just taken in full curiosity about his gi

Jay lifted his finger, bringing it close to his little hand, and when the child took his finger, he squeezed it well

"you're strong, huh" he chuckled, and as soon as the newborn heard him laugh, he decided to copy him, laughing in the awkwardness of a 1-year-old baby

"well, where is your family, little one?" Jay asked, obviously aware that no answer would come

but before he could try to think, other of those guys showed up in front of him..

it would have been quite difficult, but he could try to fight even if with a baby in his chest. he would not give up on him easily. especially if he didn't know what might happen to him

𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙟𝙖𝙮𝙖 𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙠 2022Where stories live. Discover now