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Jay was quietly in his room in the monastery, seated in bed while using his phone

this idleness lasted quite a while, and he was genuinely enjoying his time alone

it may be strange for his team, incredibly strange, but even he had decided to take moments in peace, and away from everything

sure, he was alone in his room, but being able to use his phone without anyone being able to talk to him had been somewhat satisfactory

but he had a small sexense of something, and then he hear steps in the corridor

in two seconds he had already recognized the person, but once they knocked on his door, he had the confirmation

"Jay are you there?" Nya's voice rang from behind the door

"it's open"

she opened the door, and instinctively took a quick look at the room, slightly messy..

"Are you okay? you didn't come to the living room even to annoy Cole while he was playing" Nya looked strange, and he could also tell from the slight eyebrow raised in doubt

"I'm fine, I just decided to take some space" he remained in the bed, completely joined to the mattress to be able to get up now

"are you sure there is nothing? I see you a little strange as well as tired" she sat in the chair in front of the desk, and approached his bed

"strange?" he asked, curious about what he was showing from the outside

"yeah, you seem annoyed"

and actually a little down he was feeling today.. but there was no specific reason, simply this morning he will have woken up on the wrong side, and he found himself like this

"I'm not-" but he stopped, accepting the tone teased by the annoyance, not being able to deny the evidence "maybe a little"

Nya decided to get up from the chair again, and this time she sat on top of the bed, gently taking his arms to lift them, and then being able to put her head above his chest

Jay looked at her all the time in the process, once he understood, a small smile widened the end of the lips

"how are you?" she asked, looking at him with her chin resting on his chest

"now it's much better" but he could not hide his smile for much longer

"yeah, I managed to get that smile out" Nya said, highlighting her victory

"which smile?" making him giggle

"what you have right now" Nya continued to lengthen the conversation with random things, knowing that she was managing to raise, even if slightly, his mood

"soo" she said "what do we want to do?" she asked, putting herself straight in bed, but keeping her legs next to his hips

"I was thinking that maybe we could take a step to the arcade? they added a new game similar to our fav" he proposed, but as soon as she saw his face spontaneously detect bends of listlessness, she understood what the real pastime would be instead

"maybe we could watch a movie?"

"like?" interest was returning to Jay

"I don't know, maybe we could choose a comedy-romantic genre?"

Jay made a small grimace, squeezing his lips and closing them inside, thinking if he should accept

at this moment his mood was in "I don't know" "it seems tiring" "I don't want" "what a boredom" "why?" until an idea came to him, but he preferred to let her guess it .. it was too tiring to move his lips to talk

"Did you come up with an idea?"


"and which one?"


"documentaries about funny animals?

he nodded negatively

"uuuh.."she put the finger under her chin, pretending to think "teen movies?"

yet another time he nodded negatively

"ohohoh! disney movie, isn't?"

it wasn't actually his first thought, but he still nodded frantically like a child, smiling

"perfect! I agree" she quickly got out of bed, moving to go and get all the dispensable to lift her Yin again

soon she returned from the kitchen, closing the door behind her. threw the sachets of chips towards Jay, as she went to get the laptop from the desk

she went back into bed, this time settling in well, pillows put on and then grabbed the blanket of the bed, putting themselfs in a comforting heat

as soon as she took care of the choice of the film with him, and put it into full screen mode, she habitually pushed herself towards his arms, letting her welcome even in his warmth

once Jay had felt, even if slightly, loved.. he already felt so much better

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