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It was a few days after Y/n and Bakugo's first kiss(es). Y/n had a crush on Bakugo, and Bakugo had a crush on Y/n.

"Hey get up." Bakugo said as he pulled Y/n out of bed.

"Mm..." Y/n groaned before opening his eyes and seeing Bakugo standing over him, arms crossed. "Holy shit, you look fine as fuck.."

"What?" Bakugo asked.

"Nothing!" Y/n said as he sat up. "So uh.. what's up?"

"We're gonna train in the gym." Bakugo spoke. "So get into something you'd feel comfortable training in."

"Alright." Y/n spoke before getting up and taking out a tank top and sweatpants.

Bakugo's face reddened as he saw Y/n change clothes.

"Why do you do that?" Bakugo mumbled.

"Do what?" Y/n asked, glancing at Bakugo as he finished changing.

"You change in front of me." Bakugo said, a little flustered.

"Oh sorry. I can stop if you want." Y/n said, his face heating up a little.

"...It's fine."

Y/n combed his hair real quick before glancing at Bakugo. "I'm ready."

The two headed to the gym and began stretching.

"Wanna spar?" Bakugo asked.

"With or without quirks?" Y/n responded while finishing his stretches.

"With quirks first, and then without."

"Alright." Y/n said before getting in a fight stance. "Come at me, lover boy."

Bakugo smirked before going at Y/n, explosion at the ready. Y/n's eyes sharpened as he sensed Bakugo behind him.

Y/n's quirk: Senses. Y/n's senses are heightened. He naturally has better eyesight, sense of smell, hearing, taste, sensitive skin, and he can also sense when someone is out of his sight. A weakness is that because of the heightened senses, he can get overwhelmed from it, resulting in a meltdown.

Y/n quickly grabbed Bakugo by the leg and lifted it, making Bakugo fall. Y/n straddled Bakugo and trapped him on the ground.

"I won." Y/n smirked.

Bakugo rolled his eyes as Y/n helped him up.

"Alright. No quirks now." Bakugo spoke before he and Y/n got in their fighting stances.

Y/n deactivated his quirk and exhaled. "Let's go."

Bakugo quickly grabbed Y/n before pushing him to the ground, Y/n now on the floor, feeling Bakugo straddle him from behind.

"Who won, now?" Bakugo teased while smirking.

Y/n glanced at Bakugo over his shoulder and huffed (It's giving Armin 💀).

Bakugo felt himself tense up as he met eyes with Y/n. He looked away in embarrassment before getting up. "Let's work out." He said before helping Y/n up.

Y/n sighed as he sat on the bench, towel resting on his shoulders. He chugged his water while Bakugo sat next to him.

"God, you exhausted me." Y/n muttered after finishing his water.

"As if that was the worst I could do." Bakugo teased.

"I bet you wish you did worse." Y/n winked.

"You wish." Bakugo flicked Y/n on the forehead.

"You reek of caramel!" Y/n said, trying to fan the smell away.

"Get used to it." Bakugo smirked.

Y/n stood up and stretched. "I'm all sore now.." He sighed, rubbing his shoulders.

"Come here." Bakugo spoke.

Y/n went to Bakugo and was turned around and sat between Bakugo's legs. He suddenly felt Bakugo's hands begin to massage his shoulders. Y/n groaned as he felt his body begin to feel less tense.

After a moment, Y/n leaned on Bakugo's chest, sighing as his body felt a little better. "Thanks." He said as Bakugo's hand rested on his waist.

"No problem." Bakugo spoke.

Bakugo's hand traced circles on Y/n's stomach, Y/n tensing up from his touch. His senses were on an all time high since it's been a while since he used his quirk.

Bakugo didn't seem to notice this, but Y/n's breath pattern was different.

Y/n lightly tapped Bakugo's leg.
"B-Bakugo.." He muttered, catching Bakugo's attention. "Be careful with your hand."

"Oh my bad." Bakugo said as he moved his hand away.

"It's alright. Everything is just really sensitive right now."

"How does your quirk even work?" Bakugo asked, getting curious.

"I can make my senses stronger, basically. An issue with that is that my body can get overwhelmed if I use it too much. Right now it's just because it's been a while since I last used my quirk." Y/n said.

"Oh okay. I think I get it now."

"Okay." Y/n mumbled.

The two sat in silence before Bakugo had a thought. "Shouldn't we be calling each other by our first names?" He asked.


"Don't you think our classmates would find it weird if we didn't?" Bakugo said. Y/n felt his heart drop.

'Oh yeah.. I forgot this was all fake.'

"I guess you're right." Y/n said as he moved and sat next to Bakugo.

"What's up with you?" Bakugo asked as he noticed Y/n's vibe was completely different from a few seconds ago.


"Are you sure?"

Before Y/n could answer, a few of their classmates walked in.

"Hey guys! We wondered where you two went!" Uraraka said with a smile as she walked in with Midoriya, Iida, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Sero.

"We wanted to train a bit." Y/n said with a fake smile. Y/n glanced at Bakugo. "I'm going for a walk." He said before leaving Bakugo alone with the others.

As Y/n walked, he began to hear the speaking of other students, except it was beyond loud.

He winced as he tried to cover his ears, but it was useless.

The tank top felt tight on his body. Long story short, his senses were on overdrive. He knew he'd probably be having a panic attack in the bathroom stall if this didn't calm down.

Y/n sat on a bench outside and tried to calm his breathing. He felt so uncomfortable but there was nothing he could do.

He groaned as he tried pulling at his top, hoping the feeling of the cloth on his skin would calm down. But it didn't.

Y/n clenched his fists as tears began to spill. It felt as if his own body was betraying him.

Soon, his grasp on breathing began to slip.


Y/n looked up and saw Bakugo running to him. His eyes widened and he watched in surprise as Bakugo approached him.

"Leave me alone!" Y/n spoke as Bakugo got a bit too close.


Y/n groaned. "Go away! Fuck off or something. Got it?"

"What the hell is your problem?" Bakugo asked.

"Oh, like you care! Just leave me alone, and if you don't I'll just make it easier for the both of us and leave."

Bakugo glared at Y/n. "Fuck you. It's over. I can't believe I actually began to care about you."

"As if it was real to begin with!" Y/n said as Bakugo walked away.


about to get reallll angsty

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