1.6 : end

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"I wanna take you on our first date." Y/n said as he walked in the school halls with Bakugo.

"We've been on like two before." Bakugo spoke.

Y/n smiled. "I mean a real date." Y/n sighed. "Us going out to have a nice evening or something like that. What if we went to watch a movie?"

"Will I get to choose the movie?" Bakugo asked.

Y/n nodded. "As long as it's good."

Bakugo smirked. "Oh I know it'll be good. It's a remake for a movie I used to like as a child."

"Was it an All Might movie?" Y/n asked, smirking a little. Silence. "Knew it.." He said with a slight singsong tone.

Bakugo sighed as he knocked on Y/n's door. He adjusted the collar to his shirt as he tapped his left foot on the ground. He had actually put in the effort to look nice tonight and he hoped Y/n liked it.

Y/n opened the door and smiled as he saw Bakugo. "You look good." He said as he eyed Bakugo up and down. Bakugo wore a black button up shirt along with matching pants and loafers. Simple, but nice.

"You too." Bakugo said, his face visibly red. Y/n wore a white button up shirt with a black blazer on top. His pants were black and so were his shoes.

Bakugo noticed the neat tie Y/n wore and smiled. "Your tie.."

"What about my tie?" Y/n asked.

"You did it yourself, didn't you?" Bakugo asked.

Y/n smiled, slightly embarrassed that Bakugo noticed. "Yeah.. I wanted to try to do it myself for once so I put on a tutorial."

Bakugo kissed Y/n for a second. "You did good." He muttered. "But not as good as when I do it." He spoke as he realized that he went soft on Y/n for a second.

Y/n chuckled and kissed Bakugo on the cheek. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah. I'm paying by the way." Bakugo said as he walked with Y/n.

"Are you sure we got enough snacks?" Y/n asked as he struggled to hold his portion of snacks.

"No." Bakugo said sarcastically.

"I'm serious! Will this last the whole movie?" Y/n frowned.

"Yeah. I'm sure it will. And if not, I'll share mine." Bakugo said as he and Y/n walked into the theater. "I got us seats in the back." Bakugo said as Y/n followed him up the steps.

They found their seats and got everything organized before silencing their phones.

They noticed that there was a bit of people in the theater. Y/n knew that the original version of the movie was popular, but not this popular.

Soon the movie started. Y/n glanced at Bakugo and noticed that he looked almost excited to watch the movie. He probably was considering the fact that All Might actually is in the movie playing himself.

Y/n noticed Bakugo's eyes nearly sparkled as All Might appeared on screen. He must've noticed Y/n was looking at him because he quickly made himself look uninterested, making Y/n giggle a little.

As the movie played out, Y/n couldn't help but keep his gaze on Bakugo. Bakugo looked so cute to him that it made it difficult to even pay attention to the movie.

Bakugo felt a slight weight on his shoulder and saw that Y/n was now leaning on him. He could feel his face heat up a little as he felt the warmth of Y/n's hand against his. All he did in response was gently hold Y/n's hand.

"So, was the money worth it?" Y/n asked as he walked out the building with Bakugo, hand in hand.

"Yeah, I guess." Bakugo responded.

Y/n smiled since he knew Bakugo loved the movie. He remembered the excited look Bakugo had while watching the movie.

"We should get back to the dorms soon. I don't want to get you in trouble for breaking curfew." Y/n said.

"It's fine. We can sneak in later. I have a place I want to take you." Bakugo spoke.

Bakugo and Y/n got a taxi and Bakugo whispered something in the taxi driver's ear.

"Yes sir." The driver said before beginning to drive.

After a while, they were dropped outside a park. Y/n followed Bakugo down a path, curious about their destination.

"Where are you taking me?" Y/n asked as he saw all the pretty plants along the path.

"It's a surprise." Bakugo said as the two were nearing a hill.

As the two went up the hill, Y/n couldn't help but notice how bright the stars were tonight. He thought it was nice.

Once they were at the top of the hill, Y/n looked in shock as he saw a small picnic setup next to a big tree.

"D-Did you do this?" He asked. He felt Bakugo hug him from behind before slipping something around his wrist. Y/n looked down and saw a silver bracelet that had both his and Bakugo's initials engraved onto it.

Bakugo brought Y/n's attention to the matching bracelet on his wrist. Y/n smiled as he looked at Bakugo. "Thank you.." He spoke.

Bakugo kissed Y/n softly before pulling away. "I will admit that I was worried you wouldn't like something simple like matching bracelets.."

Y/n held Bakugo's hand as he gave him a smile. "I love it." He said, making Bakugo smile a little. Y/n laughed as Bakugo tried to hide his relief.

"Let's eat." Bakugo said before dragging Y/n to the blanket on the ground.

"Did you make all of that?" Y/n asked as he watched Bakugo pull food out of the basket.

"Yeah. Don't tease me if it tastes bad though. It's been a while since someone has eaten something I made." Bakugo said as he placed the food out.

The two began eating and Y/n's eyes lit up as he took his first bite. He let out a little hum of approval before digging in.

After they finished eating, Y/n was resting his head on Bakugo's lap, looking up at the moon. Y/n glanced at Bakugo and smiled. "Thanks for this." He spoke.

Bakugo huffed as he looked away in embarrassment. "No need to thank me. I just wanted to take you here." He said while trying not to show his face.

Y/n chuckled as he saw Bakugo's embarrassed state. Bakugo yelped as Y/n pulled him down and kissed him.

"I love you, Katsuki."

This is the last chapter, sadly. I may post occasional extra chapters but I wouldn't count on it. I hope those who made it this far enjoyed the story. This is a lot more short compared to my other stories. Thank you for reading. If you liked this story, I have other stories and even some upcoming stories that I plan to post soon.. there's a story that involve a few new ocs being posted soon too ;)

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