Chapter 6: A Little Bit Closer To Him ❤️

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Blah blah blah and blah! When is he going to stop talking? Oh, sweet Mother Lord! Someone just come here and pull him away already! I thought I was annoying. Turns out that Mr Krishav's son is also one.

"So, let me get this straight", he started. I rolled my eyes at him. This is going to go on for hours.

"You as in Radha Aashi Kavya, went out to the park without telling any of us?", he asked with a pretend shocked face.

Well well well. If it isn't the same question I've heard for 25 times! Ugh. Why does it matter to him that I didn't inform him or his family?

"I'm eighteen. I do what I want",I scoffed.

"Ehem", he cleared his throat. "I beg to differ", he crossed his arms together and lifted an eyebrow.

Dramatic much.

"I said what I said. Now, get out of my way", I said and pushed him a little. However, the push did nothing to him.

He stood as still as a rock with his arms still crossed, making him look even more grumpier than before.

"Oh no. You are not going anywhere, princess", he said then trapped me on between his arms on a hard wall.

I gasped and got into defense mode. I made my arms into an 'X' sign, hoping he wouldn't do something familiar that when I think about it, it seems like it has just happened yesterday.

"You're not going anywhere!", he screamed and threw his finished alcohol bottle on the ground.

"I'm not satisfied yet!", he said and slowly come closer to me. With no room or place to run away to, I just backed away.

"No, darling. No more running away". He smirked and held my shoulders with no hesitation. His fingers traced along from my shoulders till my breasts. He cupped them in his hands and that's when I decided to speak up for myself.

"S-stop. You shouldn't do this!", I yelled.

"You are no one to stop me. Need I to remind you that I'm older?", he asked and trapped me in between his arms on the floor after pushing me harshly on it for telling him what to do.

He ripped my dress and there I lie, naked in front of him. Tears fall from my eyes as quick as raindrops. I tried covering myself but he took my arms and pinned them above my head with one of his hand.

"P-please....stop. I'll do anything", I begged, while trying to wiggle myself out of his grip. He then laughed and slapped me out of anger. He laughed again and looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Oh honey, you don't have to do anything", he said and my eyes shone with hope. Hope that I could finally get away from him.

However, all of my hope vanished into thin air when he continued, "I'll do everything".

I punched Lashven in the nose and he took a few steps away from me.

"Ow!", he grunted.

"What was that for?", he asked.

I....I....didnt know what to say. Why did I punch him? That memory......came out of nowhere. I looked down at my hands and clenched them hard into fists. This is all his fault!

I grabbed him by his shirt and lifted him up slightly.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!", I asked. My face turned red from anger and my fists were red from holding onto his shirt too tightly.


"No, don't. Just don't", I muttered under my breath. My grip on his shirt loosened and his feet were back on the black-tilted floor.

There's no use for getting angry at him. He may have made the memory to reapperlar but that doesn't mean that he started it because it was someone else....who imprinted that like a permanent tattoo in my mind. So, it's not completely his fault I guess.

"Are you ok? You seem a little bit out", he said, keeping a safe distance from us.

He must've figured out that I am uncomfortable. Tch...what gave it away this time? My face, my feelings or the emptyness that can be found in my eyes? Because I'm anything but okay right now.

"I'm fine. I've always been", I said, forcing a smile on my face.

I would say that I successfully fooled him but I didn't. He knew something was wrong with or without me telling him.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of shoes tapping. Someone's coming and by the sound I heard, it must be one of Lashven's parents! With quick movements, I pulled my cousin to the nearest closet and locked ourselves in there.

The closet is small and dark. I peeked through the door knob to see if that person has left. By the looks of no one there, I figured that the coast is clear.

I turned towards Lashven and wanted to gesture him to get out but I felt our bodies collide. My mind went completely blank and I forgot what I wanted to say to him.


"Shush", he said and placed on finger on my lips. He took my arms and wrapped it around his waist, bringing me close to him.

"I like it when you are close to me, Radha", he whispered in my ear.

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