Chapter 28: Slowly Losing It 😢😢💙

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I've been oversleeping for a few days and every time I open my eyes, tears would fall and I would not have the motivation to start my day. It felt as if I got sucked into a blackhole filled with negativity. I've always wondered what a heartbreak would feel like. Guess this is it.

Actually, many people who are assigned as my missions would cry to me when this happens. Sometimes, they act different while on the other times, they hurt themselves because they say that it helps their heart. However, there are also people who'd get super drunk and pass out.

Just like how pizzas are my comfort zone, alcohol is considered as theirs. So sad that I can't drink because I'm underage. What else can I take to heal my heart?

"How long are you going to pretend your death with your eyes open?", my anna asked.

"I don't know. How long are you going to keep staring at me, anna? Can't you see I'm drowning in my own pool of sadness?", I ask, still staring at the ceiling.

Why do I always find boring things suddenly interesting when I'm sad? I wonder if I could scribble some words on the ceiling.! Appa said that if I scribble on anything at all, my first night won't happen. Wait a minute, why am I staring at the ceiling again?

"Kuttyma, snap out of it", my anna said sternly.

"Don't call me Kuttyma! I don't like it", I said and sat up angrily.

Although I was angry, sadness has overtook it and I started to cry all over again. I lay on my brother's chest and hugged him tightly. I screamed and cried and screamed repeatingly. My brother patted me on the back and I leaned into his touch. His touch was helping me to calm down and slowly steady myself. He wipes away my tear stained cheeks then rocks me in his arms. I let out a shaky breath. Later, I smiled and looked at my brother who has always been there for me even if I break and fall.

"Now, what happened? I already told you before that you look ugly when you cry. You literally look like a squashed ball to me at the moment", he joked and I laughed I'm response.

"Lashven is ignoring me and it's not for 24 hours like those youTube videos in YouTube", I hiccuped. My brother gave me a bored look and playfully smacked me with his palm on my forehead.


"Oh, so if Lashven ignored you, you'll cry your eyes out but if it were me, you would beat me to death just to make me talk to you", he said and rolled his eyes. I knocked him on the head and stared at him.

"You are my brother. He is my boyfriend", I replied, smirking.

My brother's eyes widen at my statement and I knew he's wrecking his brain about how everything went from mere cousins to lovers. I shook my head because he looked extremely ridiculous by trying his best to think a reasonable story for my boyfriend and I. To help him come back to reality, I snapped my fingers three times at him. He jerked and finally gave me a nervous smile.

"Aiyoo, idiot anna! Stop smiling like a man baby and tell me what to do!", I urged and pushed him away from me.

He looked up for a while to search for an idea. Normally, people in movies would be this dramatic to get an idea but I guess by watching a lot of television, he has adapted their behavior. Gosh, what a brother I have. However, he's my elder brother and only brother so, I need to appreciate that.

"Ah, idea! You should either tell him the truth or give him his space. I'm not sure what is the problem but so far, that has helped my close friends when they had relationship problems", he said smiling proudly to himself.

All in all, he and Githa has never had a single relationship problem? Hmm, good talk.

All of a sudden, I got a phone call from an unknown number. I looked at the number quizzically but at last, I still couldn't figure out who's number it is. My brother noticed this and left the room to give me some privacy during the call. I answered the call and put the phone towards me ear.

"How did you like my performance, babyma?", the caller asked and chuckled darkly. My teeth gritted as my blood boiled when I recognized the stupid voice.

Akarsh Darsh. Why isn't this mosquito leaving me alone? Ugh, so annoying!

"What do you want?".

"Do whatever you want to me", he answered.

Huh, he probably meant it in a different way but I know a lot of other ways to deal with disgusting insects. As you wish, you mosquito.

I scolded him with every bad word I know for hours, asked him about all the questions he can't answer and even dared to cross my limits.

"HEY!", he screamed.

Now, I'm the one laughing at him.

"Excuse me, mosquito. Try to listen to me crystal clear, stupid idiotic tomato. Who are you to claim me as your girlfriend? You think you a hero? Well, oh no! You tried to mess with a villain and I'm sure you don't really know but she can kick you straight to planet Pluto", I said seriously.

"If you mess with me and my life again, I'll chop you inot pieces and send your body organs to the jungle and let the animals feed on you" I warned and hung up.


This day has gone extremely bad and it isn't good for my head. So, I texted both of my painkillers to brighten up my day; Katherine and Githa.

Out with the depressing days and in with the fun and chaotic ones. Mwah!!!

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