Thunder, a Lone Peal

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Thunder was not as lucky as Felix.

The earth becomes malleable, a warping break in the rules of physics. The dirt spills into the void formed at the center, rocks and soils collapsing and regenerating in a cycle, unknown colours flash in the deep pits.

A crack of lighting.

The earth reforms itself.

A form lies on the dirt.

Nobody finds lun. Instead of having the remaining luckstuff Felix gained from eir work as an angel to get help, Thunder has nothing. Lun opens luns eyes. Lun gasps and buries luns fave into luns arms, tear pricking at luns eyes. It's so bright, it's so bright. Lun squeezes luns eyes shut, but the glaring light of the pitch black midnight seeps in anyway.

Gasping from the pain, tears streaming down luns face, Thunder claws desperately at the ground, trying to dig luns way back to luns home, a known dark sanctuary.

Dirt clogs luns claws. Lun collapses onto the solid, physics-obeying earth.

The wind is cold. The ground is rough. Thunder's fur sits strangely on luns skin.

Thunder hates it, claws ripping at luns fur, purple, holy, sacred blood flows out, then a sludgy, farewell blue, then mortal, ill red.

Lun watches the red run down luns claws.

Felix, elsewhere, watches with blurred, spotted vision at the grass soaked in eir blood.

It is finished. Just as it had been commanded, so it has been done, and so it will forevermore.

AN: Sorry this update took so long. I've been busy with school!

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