five - unity

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THE TIME HAS COME to select the 21 tributes to join us in the arena.

10 girls. 11 boys. Some, or none, of them, will return home alive.

"Well well well! Time passes fairly quickly, doesn't it? It's time for our reaping for the Second Hunger Games!"

The lady comes, just as she did last time. But this time, I feel eerily calm, in contrast to the first reaping. Maybe it's because I've already been picked and can do nothing about it, I'm more focused on checking who I'll be up against.

As the names of the tributes are called out one by one, I survey my competition's faces, most of them belonging to people I know.

Aiden Langston, Andy Clifford, and Tristan Hale. My closest friends. I've known them since childhood - they're my best buddies apart from Gwyneth and Zoey. I'd bet on them being in an alliance - not sure if they'll invite me, but hopefully. I want three more people on my side, not more enemies. 

Tristan yells when his twin sister, Ava Hale, is reaped. Actually, I take back what I said. Tristan is a good brother - Ava isn't on good terms with Andy, so they'll probably be in their own separate group, and Tristan will do anything to protect his sister. 

A group of around five young girls who look around 12 to 13, who start crying once they are reaped and embrace each other. Definitely allies. Don't know if they'd last long, though. They're skinny and quite petite. 

"Cadence di Angelo!" A tall and lean girl steps up to the stage after a few moments pass, as tears run down her cheeks, but once she reaches the middle, she immediately changes her expression, narrowing her eyes into a determined grin. Her expression is creepy, and I get intimidated for a second, but as she joins the group of girls in their tears and creates a group hug - I realize she's probably around the same age too. 

The reaping concludes, and it's finally time for us to say goodbye to our parents and relatives once again, board the train, and get ourselves prepared for the torment that lies ahead.


I spent two weeks here, peacefully living in the Adelaide Woods again. I wish this was it, that this period of time would stretch on forever. Just me and my family. And my closest friends.

But unfortunately, as the reaping concludes, it's time for all the tributes to leave for the Capitol. My parents start crying once again, further cementing my desire to come back and to win for them. "Eunice, honey," my mom says, "d-do try your best to win."

"I will, mom," I reply. "I'll come back to you."

My tears uncontrollably flow down my face until an attendant appears and pulls me into the train, away from my parents. How dare he? I'm just a plaything, aren't I. He cut my last conversation with my parents short.

No, I think. I won't let this be my last conversation with my parents. I feel spiteful. I won't let Byrok win. As I'm pulled and wrestled into my compartment, I shout out for my parents.




What is the first thing you think of when you hear the name Byrok?

For you, dear reader, and for all citizens of the Adelaide Woods, you must think that Byrok is the worst country ever.

But for me, Byrok is my home. Somewhere that I feel accepted, and somewhere where I feel appreciated. Most of all, somewhere I love. 

People would assume that we're as evil as the so-called New Regime, but that's not the entirety of the truth. And because you deserve to know the truth, I'm going to be the one to tell you.

I know you must be thinking.

Byrok? Isn't this Gwyneth Anderson's story? Why mention Byrok now?

But let me tell you.

I assure you this is the right story. Just keep reading it.

When I was thirteen, our country had just developed the newest technology ever. To revive people from the dead.

But we needed one more thing for it to work, and that is the IT AI chip. Only exclusively produced in the Capitol City.

Our country broke out in chaos, and we had countless internal arguments about what we should do.

The political parties called Aurore and Rochbok had a disagreement.

Aurore wanted to sign a fair treaty. To try our best to get the chip. And to get along with the countries involved.

But Rochbok was another story. They didn't want to give the Capitol City anything in exchange for the chip.

And so, the leader of Rochbok, James, and his clan took the armies and invaded the Adelaide Woods, the small country right next to the Capitol City. And they used that to their advantage.

When finally, a few months later, they came back in triumph. They had gotten the chip, but at what price?

And they still hadn't had enough. The Rochbok party took control over the Adelaide Woods and called themselves the New Regime.

When we heard that Rochbok was going to restart the Hunger Games, my heart broke out in horror.

They had already killed countless innocent citizens trying to get to the precious IT AI chip.

And now, they were going to put 12 to 15-year-olds into the arena in a fight to the death? Teenagers even younger than I am?

Just for entertainment?

We refused. The members of Aurore, including myself, were not satisfied at all. We voiced out. But Rochbok isn't going to be happy if someone ruins their little plan.

We told everyone that this isn't okay. But Rochbok has all the tributes in their hands, and there's nothing we can do unless someone pulls the last straw.

And let me tell you, there is no such thing as a second chance in James' dictionary. Except cruel, bloody Games.

Oh right, I haven't introduced myself, have I?

My name is Natalia Riggs, and though I'm only sixteen, I am already an important member of Aurore of Byrok.

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