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Nearby an alley, Carmen Dillo was sleeping in a dumpster as he woke up. He sniffed and looked at a nearby restaurant that said 'GET YOUR GRUB ON'. He saw a couple with a plate of scrambled eggs as he licked his mouth.

"Mm!" Carmen Dillo said as he jumped out of the dumpster.

Carmen Dillo jumped into the air and rolled into a ball, bouncing off some cars. When he got to the diner, he unrolled as the couple screamed when they saw him.

"Hey, you gonna finish all that?" Carmen Dillo asked as he pointed at the scrambled eggs.

The couple screamed and ran away.

"Didn't think so." Carmen Dillo said with an evil smile.

Carmen Dillo stuck out his tongue lapping up the scrambled eggs.

"Yo, Carmen Dillo." Static said.

"Huh?" Carmen Dillo said as he turned around.

He saw Static and Magnetta flying over him.

"The police have been looking for you, Carmen." Static said with his fists on his hips.

"And not just because of your bad table manners." Magnetta said with her hands on her hips.

Carmen Dillo threw the table at them.

"Whoa!" Static and Magnetta yelled as they fell down wrapped in the table cloth.

After they got the table cloth off them they almost got run over by a car as it stopped right in front of them.

"Phew." Magnetta said as the car beeped at them.

"Huh?" Static said as he and Magnetta saw Carmen Dillo bouncing away.

"He didn't even ask to be excused." Static said.

"How rude." Magnetta said as they got up and flew after him.

They followed Carmen Dillo into a construction site as they tried to find him. They flew by a crane with a wrecking ball as they were unaware that the wrecking ball was actually Carmen Dillo as he unrolled. He evilly smirked as he looked at them. They flew over a hole as they couldn't find Carmen Dillo.

"I don't get it. He's too big to hide and way too ugly." Static said as they lowered down to the hole.

Carmen Dillo let go of the line and started bouncing toward them. However, Magnetta sensed his magnetic field as she turned around and saw him.

"Static, look out." Magnetta said as she pointed at Carmen Dillo.

"Huh?" Static said as he turned around.

But it was too late as Carmen Dillo knocked him out of the Static Saucer and fell into the hole in a puddle. While Magnetta dodged just in time as Carmen Dillo looked at Static.

"What's the matter, Static? Shell-shocked?" Carmen Dillo asked as he snickered.

He jumped in the hole with a crowbar in his hand as Magnetta flew down standing beside Static. As Carmen Dillo walked toward Static and Magnetta, the ground started to shake.

"What's that, an earthquake?" Static asked.

"I don't think it is." Magnetta said.

Carmen Dillo fell as a giant green blob-like creature with arms burst out of the ground.

"Okay, not an earthquake." Static said.

"What is that thing?" Magnetta asked in shock.

Carmen Dillo yelped as he tried to run away. But the blob monster grabbed him by his leg as he lifted him up. The blob monster's arm started burning Carmen Dillo's leg as he screamed in pain.

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