Bent Out of Shape

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Bent Out of Shape

That night, there was a long line at a theater that features a musician called Stringer. Virgil, Ruby, Sharon, Richie, Allie, and Daisy were waiting in line until the woman pulled out a sign that says 'SOLD OUT.'

"Great. My first big concert and this has to happen." Virgil said angrily.

"I hate it when that happens." Allie said angrily.

"Hey, uh, maybe we could find an exit door and, uh..." Richie said as he got in between Virgil and Daisy.

"Richie." Daisy warned.

"We're not going to sneak in and risk getting caught." Ruby said sternly.

"Cool out! I got this covered." Sharon said.

"Oh, yeah? What can you do?" Richie asked.

"Not me. Stringer." Sharon said as she walked away.

"Sure. You and him are old pals." Virgil said.

"Yeah, Elvis gave me a ride in his spaceship once." Richie joked.

"Real funny." Allie said angrily.

"I believe you, Sharon." Daisy said.

"You go, cousin Sharon." Ruby said as she gave Sharon a thumbs up.

"So beautiful, so intelligent, and so gullible." Virgil said.

"Oh, you just wait, Virgil." Ruby said with a smirk as Sharon walked toward a guard.

Sharon took out a piece of paper and gave it to the guard.

"She doesn't need tickets. She got a little piece of paper." Virgil said with a smirk.

The guard looked at the paper and looked at Sharon for a minute.

"Here you go, Miss Hawkins. One VIP pass, plus guests." The guard said with a smile as he gave the VIP pass to Sharon.

Virgil had a shocked expression.

"Enjoy the show." The guard said.

"Coming?" Sharon asked with a smirk.

"How's that for gullible?" Ruby asked Virgil with a smirk as she, Allie, Richie, and Daisy walked away.

"Very funny." Virgil said with a deadpan expression as he followed his friends.

When they got inside, there were a lot of people talking. Virgil and Richie stopped and looked at the place while the girls followed Sharon.

"Now I understand how my mom feels when she started performing." Ruby said to Allie.

"Tell me about it." Allie said.

Virgil and Richie caught up with the girls as they walked toward a door. Sharon knocked on the door and revealed Stringer.

"Sharon!" Stringer said.

"Hey!" Sharon said as they both hugged each other.

Virgil and Richie looked at each other with confused expressions.

"I'm glad you came." Stringer said as they walked inside the room.

"I'm glad you asked me, Stringer." Sharon said.

"Whoa! Richie, check out the synth!" Virgil said as Sharon looked at him with an angry expression.

"My dad made me bring them. That's Daisy, Richie, Allie, and my cousin, Ruby." Sharon said.

"Hi!" Daisy said with a wave.

"Sup?" Richie said with a thumbs up.

"Hi, Stringer." Ruby said nicely with a smile.

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