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It was a quiet afternoon at Dakota with Virgil, Richie, Ruby, and Allie at the Dakota Electronics as they saw a news reporter streaming on TV about their fight against the three thieves.

"And in local news, police report finding three men literally stuck to the ceiling of a warehouse they were trying to rob. But the adhesive wasn't glue or paste, it was static electricity and magnetism. According to the frightened thieves, they were caught by a young masked man who had mutant electromagnetic powers and a young masked woman with mutant magnetic gravitational powers and called themselves Static and Magnetta." The news reporter said.

"Mutant? That's degrading." Virgil said as he couldn't believe he and Ruby were being called a mutant.

"You got a better word?" Richie asked.

"I kind of like metahuman." Virgil said.

"Catchy." Richie said as he liked it.

"I like it too." Ruby said.

"Yeah, at least it's better than being called a mutant." Allie said.

"For a related story, we go live to Shelly Sandoval." The news reporter said as it showed Shelly nearby the hospital.

"Thanks, Jim. Victims are still arriving here at County General following the gas explosion that's come to be known as The Big Bang. Here is just the latest arrival." Shelly said as they saw a boy who had purple tentacles coming out of him as he groaned in pain.

"According to doctors, this young man's road to recovery could be rather long. Police say there may be hundreds more of these unfortunate young people still on the streets." Shelly said as Ruby, Richie, and Allie looked at the TV.

"Hundreds?" Allie asked in surprise.

"That can't be good." Ruby said with a worried expression.

"Yo, V, did you hear the..." Richie was interrupted when he saw that Virgil was gone.

"Virg?" Richie asked.

"Where'd he go?" Allie asked.

They saw Virgil take a disk as he put it close to his ear, and used his powers to make it play music.

"Cousin?" Ruby asked as she put her hand on his shoulder.

"Not now, Ruby. I'm vibing." Virgil said.

"Huh?" Allie asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm a human CD player. Even got surround sound." Virgil said as he placed the disk close to Richie, Ruby, and Allie's ears as they listened to it play.

"Hey!" Richie said as he laughed.

"Now that's a good tune." Ruby said as she listened to the music.

"What about you Ruby?" Allie asked Ruby as she wants to know what she can do with her powers.

"Well, not only do I have magnetic powers, but I can also control gravity like this." Ruby said as she stuck out her hand and made a disk float from the shelf.

"Not only can I make things light. I can also make things heavy." Ruby said as she lowered her hand as the disk dropped.

Allie went to the disk to try and pick it up, but it felt too heavy.

"Wow, I can't even lift it off the ground." Allie said as she was impressed.

"Yep, that's what happens to objects in high gravity." Ruby said as she undid her powers so Allie can place the disk back on the shelf.

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