Chapter Seven

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For the past few days, I haven't been able to stop thinking of Dalton. His eyes, his hair, his smile, his voice, the way he talks... It's crazy how he has this kind of affect on me. I just met him and I can't get him out of my head. It's just... weird.

I saw him yesterday and we exchanged numbers. He said he'd like to see me more, and I agreed, because honestly, I'd like the same thing. So, I gave him my number, and he said he'd call me sometime. I just wish I knew when "sometime" is, because I've been waiting by my cell phone since then.

"Lily, dinner's ready!" Camille yells from downstairs.

"Coming!" I yell back. I grab my phone, in case Dalton calls me, and run out of my room, down the stairs and into the kitchen. The smell of fried chicken engulfs me as I walk into the kitchen, and my mouth waters. "Smells good, Mom."

"Thanks, honey," my mom says, never taking her eyes off of the last piece of fried chicken that's in the skillet.

I sigh and sit down in my seat at the table, which is across from Camille. We all eat in silence, which is nice, to be honest. My family never talks while we eat; we just eat and enjoy each other's company. We've never really had a meal where we continunously talk about anything. 

After breakfast is over, I grab my jacket and tell my mom that I'm going to the store, then I leave. I take the long way to the Country Market. It gives me more time to think.

I think about Uncle Joe and Zachary. They were both the ones who were there for me no matter what, and now they're both gone. I know I still have Camille, but what if she can't beat her cancer? Then I'll lose her, too. And I'll just have my parents left. My parents, who care more about fighting with each other than they do about me or Camille. They barely pay attention to me, except to tell me it's time to eat.

I arrive at the Country Market, which is like IGA, and decide to just walk around, seeing as I have no money. l walk around the food, which is my favorite place to walk in the store.

I'm looking at the meats, when I suddenly bump into someone. "Oh, sorry," I say, before I look up to see Dalton, smirking at me. 

"Well, hi," he says.

"Hi," I laugh. "You haven't called me yet." 

"Sorry about that," Dalton says. "Family drama's kept me from doing a lot."

"It's fine," I say. "So, how are you?" 

"I'm good, you?" 

"I'm fine," I say.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"Nothing," I say, immediately putting my guard up. I may be friends with Dalton, but I don't trust him fully yet; it'll take a while for that to happen. 

"You're lying," he says.

"I'm not," I say.

"Okay, I'll let that one go," he says. "So, why are you here?"

"I like to come here and walk around," I say. "It gives me time to think, and I like thinking."

"Ah," he says. 

"What about you?" I ask.

"I'm here shopping," he says. "My mom's busy, and we needed more food, so here I am."

"Ah, nice," I say. "Well, I should probably get going. I've been here for longer than I expected to. I'm sorry." 

"Nah, it's okay," Dalton says. "I'll see you around, Lily."

"See you around, Dalton," I smile at him before walking off. 

When I get home, the smile still hasn't left my face. It's weird what effect Dalton has on me, especially when I just met him a few days ago and don't know him that well. No one has ever had this kind of effect on me, ever. Not even Zachary. 

Zachary. I wonder what he is thinking right now, about me and Dalton. I laugh to myself and smile a little. Knowing Zachary, he's probably looking down at me and thinking, "She's falling for a stranger... Oh, Lily, what have you gotten yourself into?"

Am I really falling for Dalton? No, I can't be. I mean, I just met him, for God's sake! How could I fall for someone I just met? I don't even know anything about Dalton, besides his name and the fact he has sisters who are in school. That's all I know about him. So, I can't be falling for him. I can't.

I sigh, wishing I'd know what is going on. I mean, do I have feelings for Dalton? Maybe, possibly. I don't know. I mean, I think I might have feelings for him, but then again, I just met him, so it's wrong to have feelings for him. Right? 

I go upstairs to my room and grab my journal and pen, opening my journal and writing:

Dear Zachary,

I need your help right now. I wish you were here, so you could help me. 

There's a boy... I never thought I'd be telling my best friend about this, when my best friend's a boy. Or was a boy. Sigh. I really need some help, Zachary.

I think I like this boy, but the thing is: I just met him a few days ago. We met at the cemetery... I know, weird place to meet someone, right? Well, either way, that's how I met him. His name is Dalton. Dalton Crowthers. He's out of school, but he has sisters who are in school. He's really nice and sweet and cute- oh my god, he's way too cute, Zachary. He's such a looker, it's insane. 

I should probably end this before I annoy you with my fan girling over a guy I barely know. I hope you're happy and peaceful, Zachary. I love you.

Love Always,


I shut my journal and put it back where it was when I picked it up. I look at the clock, which says it's after noon. I sigh, then yawn. I don't know why I'm very tired the past few days. It's probably because I'm still sore from the beating I took from Jake at school that Anastasia stopped. 

I decide to take a quick, warm shower to relax, then I change into a pair of black sweatpants and a black tank top. I crawl in bed, deciding I'll take a short nap before dinner time. It's not before long that I drift off completely into a deep, deep sleep.


A/N: Hey guys! We're so sorry that we haven't updated in a while. We've just been dealing with a lot. School, drama, and family problems. But now that it's summer vacation for us, WE CAN FINALLY WRITE! Yay, right? Hahah, we hope you guys liked it, and we're sorry it's short! And remember to fan, comment, and vote, okay? Okay hahah.

- Becky and Aaryn

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2013 ⏰

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