Chapter Six

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Last night, all I dreamed about was that guy. I still don't know who he is, or why he's in town. I think I might force an answer out of him if I see him today. 

Today's Sunday, which means no school, thankfully. It means that I'm free of the abuse and bullying, even if it's only until tomorrow. I'm grateful for that, even if that means I have to be around my parents and their fighting. 

It's nine in the morning when I wake up, and I have to go to church at ten, so I quickly take a shower and get dressed. I pull my hair back into a neat bun and go downstairs. Everyone's already awake, which isn't unusual. Mom is in the kitchen, cooking breakfast, while Dad is reading the newspaper in the living room, and Camille is watching tv. I walk over to Dad and give him a hug.

"Good morning," I say, going into the living room and sitting on the couch next to Camille. "What'cha watching?"

"Full House," she says, never looking away from the tv. 

I nod and look at my dad, whose attention is fixed onto the newspaper, then at my mom who won't look at anyone or anything but the food. I sigh and get up. 

"I'm going out. I'll be back later," I say, grabbing my jacket off of one of the chairs at the table and pulling it on. "Bye." I open the front door and walk out, shutting it behind me. I look around me and wrap my arms around myself. It's quite cold outside, but it is January, so of course it'd be cold. I'm hoping to see that guy again, but I don't think it's likely. 

I walk to Zachary's grave, as I do every day. The walk there is quiet, but I'm not complaining. I like quiet; it gives me a chance to think. I think about that guy again. I've been thinking about him ever since I ran into him yesterday. 

When I get to Zachary's grave, I kneel down and touch the tombstone. "Hi Zachary," I whisper. "I hope you're doing okay up there, and I hope you're helping Uncle Joe out. I love you guys." I slowly stand up and start to walk away, when I run into something. It's a person. 

"Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going," the person says. I recognize the voice. It's... familiar, in a way. I look up and I see the face of the guy from yesterday.

"It's- it's okay," I say, stuttering. 

"What's your name, person who I seem to keep running into?" he asks, smirking at me.

"Lily," I say. I feel my heart skip a beat because of his smirk. What is wrong with me?! I just met this guy yesterday! My heart shouldn't skip a beat, I tell myself. "What's your name?"

"I'm Dalton," he smirks. "It's nice to meet you, Lily."

"Same to you, Dalton," I say. 

"So, tell me, why are you out here all alone at nine in the morning?" Dalton asks me.

"I came to visit my friend's grave," I answer, my voice softening.

"Oh.. Your friend's dead?" 

"Yeah. My best friend, Zachary," I say. I feel my eyes start to water, and I blink hard to keep the tears back.

"Hey, don't cry," Dalton says. "Pretty girls shouldn't cry." 

"I'm sorry, but talking about him just... I'm sorry," I say, tears falling like a river. 

Dalton reaches his hand up to wipe my tears, but I jerk back and slap his hand away.

"Woah, sorry," he says.

"It's okay. I'm just not used to people touching me in any way unless it's abusive..." I trail off. 


"Nothing," I say quickly. "So, why are you in Winfield?"

"My family moved here," he says.

"Oh. Are you in school or something?" I ask.

"No, I graduated last year, but my sisters are still in school," he says.

"I'm still in school, too," I laugh. "Well, um, I should be getting home, so I'll see you around."

"Yeah, I'll see you around," he says. "Bye Lily."

"Bye Dalton," I smile. I walk around him and head home, a smile never leaving my face. I don't know why, but he already has an effect on me.  

"I'm home!" I yell as I shut the front door and take off my jacket, tossing it onto the couch. 

"In here! Come eat your breakfast!" Mom yells from the kitchen. 

I sigh and go to the table, sitting down in my seat next to Camille. There's a plate with eggs, bacon and pancakes on it sitting right in front of me. I grab my fork and dig in, shoving the food into my mouth. It tastes good, but it's my mom's cooking, so of course it tastes good. 

After I'm done eating, I go up to my room for the day. I don't really feel like leaving my room at all, so I stay in there and read.

By the time I've finished my book, it's already eight at night, so I get ready for bed and climb in bed. I can't stop thinking about Dalton, so it's hard for me to fall asleep at first, but once I do fall asleep, Dalton is also in my dreams.


A/N: Hey guys! We're so sorry for the VERY late update! But we hope you guys like this chapter! We'll try to update VERY soon!! We love you guys!

We know it's short, but at least we updated!

We love you!

- Becky and Aaryn

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