Chapter 12

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"Your dragon told me everything, Madam Jovena." The King says. "This is your tree, as it is Oscars, if you don't mind."

"Of course not, thank you King Melech." Jovena says. "But, as I am not your citizen, can I wear my own clothes? Your dresses, however comfortable, are very long and I keep tripping."

"W-well I guess. Azmariah?" The King asks.

"Hmmm..." The Queen says, thinking. "I suppose." Jovena smiles.

"Thank you." Jovena says, curtsying.

"And tomorrow I shall send a messenger for a meeting with you and Oscar so we can discuss how we will get under Mount Izusa so we can retrieve the last dragon eggs." The King says.

"All of the eggs?" Jovena questions.

"Yes..." The King says.

'This place is magicked so no harm can come to us and only riders can get in. You must only take me from this place.' The smooth voice says in her head.

"We cannot take the other eggs from under Mount Izusa." Jovena tells him. "It is magicked, so they are safe there. Plus only Riders can remove them from under Mount Izusa."

"Oh. Well, then we shall make sure to guard that place just in case." The King says.

"But then that will alert any burglars or robbers of them being there." Jovena tells him. "It best to just leave them alone."

"If that is best..." The King sighs. "Well, I sent two of my warriors to retrieve your belongings and horses from the Dark Forest. Make yourself at home. I see Oscar already has."

Jovena turns to look where the King is indicating. Oscar is scrunched up on a large cushion with his shirt and shoes removed. She smiles at how silly he looks with his messed up hair and having his face squished into the cushion. The King smiles too.

"I hope you can find yourself comfortable here." The King tells Jovena. "Remember, I will send messengers tomorrow for you! Dress nicely!"

And with that, the King leaves, closing the door behind him. Jovena twirls around and studies her new living establishments. Beautiful colored glass light fixtures hang on the walls and intricate designs containing swirls, dots, and lines. Large velvet cushions laid on the floor and a small table with a vase of flowers on it sat off to the side. A steep spiral stair case was just behind the table, leading up to the second and third flights.

Jovena reuses up the stairs and finds herself in an small circle of doors. She opens every door from left to right. The first one was a bedroom, the second was another bedroom, the third a bathroom, and the fourth was another steep spiral staircase. She walks up those steps as well and finds herself in a large, cushioned room with its own bathroom and a large stained glass window by the bed, leading out to a balcony.

"Wow." Jovena sighs. "Now this is MY room."

She takes off the tight slippers that Jifunza's mother gave her and sits them on the floor by the bed. She slides down on the bed and rubs her face.

"Jovena! Are you up here?!" Oscar calls suddenly, making Jovena jump.

"Yes!" Jovena calls back. Oscar climbs up the stairs and enters her large room.

"Nice." Oscar says, looking around. "So where's my room? And here are your saddle bags. The horses are in the Royal stables."

"Thank you, Oscar." Jovena says sitting up. "Just sit them over there on that cushion. Your room is either the first or second door on the left on the second flight."

"Thanks!" Oscar says, tossing the saddle bags on a cushion. "Plus Daithi is on the first flight if you were wondering."

"Thank you." Jovena says. Oscar smiles at her and then takes off down the stairs.

Jovena stands up and goes over to her saddle bags. She pulls out her favorite pair of leggings and blouse and changes into them, putting a leather corset on top of it. She slips on her most comfortable black-laced leather boots an laces them up. All the leather that she wears is black, and her blouse a cream white. Jovena goes back down to the first flight and buckles Daithi around her waist. She unties the old key Alveenia gave her from around the holster that she tied there as Jifunza's mother took her inside and hangs it around her neck. Then she goes out of the tree and out to the open field behind it.

Jovena then pulls out Daithi from his holster and begins to swing him around. Again, the sword seems to have a mind of its own and takes control. She stops. With her eyes closed, she leans down and kisses the face of the blade, a single tear sliding down her cheek.

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