❥Chapter 1: The big day!

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2nd person pov:
Today was the biggest and most important day of your life! You finally decided to move from your city and start a new chapter for your life. Things we're getting stressful for you to handle, you are hoping moving would make your life better. As you are packing up your last box you hear someone come into your room. "Are you ready honey?" You look to see who said that and it was your dad. "Yeah, I'm just packing my last box. "You responded. "Okay, your mom and I would be waiting downstairs to help you move those boxes to your car." Your dad said as he went down stairs.

You finished packing the last box and went downstairs to tell your parents. They then helped you move your stuff to your car. "Thank you, I would be going now." You said to them. "You don't want me to go with you and help you move your boxes to your new house?" Your dad said to you. "No it's fine, the place I'll be moving to would take a long time to get there. Besides don't you got important things to do today?" "Yes but you are more important than that." You then hugged your dad and kissed him on the cheek. "It's fine dad, I can do this myself." You said as you smiled at him. He then sighed and said "oh alright but me and your mom are very worried about you, seeing how things got stressful for you, I don't want things like that happening to you again. We just wanna make sure our cupcake would be fine." "Your dad is right honey, we wanna make sure you'll be fine. Seeing you move because of how terrible things got for you makes me so sad. We will miss you very much." Your mother said as tears were falling from her face. You then hugged her and kissed on her cheek. Your dad then joined in for the hug, you guys stayed there for a couple of seconds. "I would be alright, don't worry, and besides at some point I'll be moving. Even if things weren't stressful for me. I love you guys, and I'm glad you guys have been there for me. I'll make sure to call you guys every week so you don't have to be worried."

You then got into your car. "We will miss you very much." Your mom and dad said. You then drove off to the streets. You thought to yourself of how much you'll miss your parents, your family, and the friends you made. You almost cried thinking about them, and how things sadly turn to the worst in your life. You whip a tear and say to yourself "hold it together y/n, things would get better. Just stop thinking about the past." You then put on your favorite music to calm yourself.

You've driven about an hour until arriving at your new house. You got out of the car and smiled. "This is the place where my life would change for the good." You said to yourself. You then opened the doors to your new house. "I can't wait to have good memories living here." You then went back to your car to bring the boxes inside. Some of them were very heavy for you. "Maybe I should have not packed a lot, I should have known I wouldn't be able to carry some of these boxes all by myself." "Do you need help with that new neighbor?" You turned to your left and saw a guy with a green hoodie, brown hair, and brown eyes standing next to you. "Oh yes please, I can't carry these by myself." You said to him. He smiled and then carried the heavy boxes for you. "Where should I put these boxes?" He asked. "Oh just put them in that room to the left. " you responded.

Few minutes later you guys we're done moving the boxes." Thank you very much, I'm sorry if this was a lot for you." You said to him. "Oh no worries, I'm glad I was able to help you." He said. He then looked around the house and looked confused. "What's wrong?" You asked. "Oh nothing, I'm just confused where you would be sleeping since there doesn't seem to be a bed around here. Also where would you be eating? I don't see a fridge around here. I don't see any furniture besides the sink and the counter." He said to you, Your face slowly turned to shock. You realized you fucked up and didn't thought about those things first before deciding to move. "HOLY CRAP YOU'RE RIGHT! Fucked I messed up!" You shouted. "Hey it's alright, if you want you can stay over at my house for the night, and we can later on buy an inflatable bed and some blankets." He said to you with a calm tone. You felt so bad this guy who you barely know is helping you move your stuff and letting you stay at his house for the night. "Oh alright, I'm sorry for causing so much trouble for you." "It's fine don't worry, and besides this can be the start of our new friendship." He said to you with a smile. "by the way my name is Edd, and you are?" He said as took his hand out "oh I'm y/n." "Nice to meet you y/n." He said as you guys we're shaking hands. "Come with me to my house, I'll introduce you to my friends." He said to you as he walked you to his house.

"Guys we'll be having a guest staying here for the night!" He shouted. "Who cares." said the guy with a blue hoodie, brown hair, and black eyes?? You then saw a guy with ginger hair ,blue eyes, and purple hoodie with a green overcoat looking at himself in the mirror." huh what was that? Sorry I was distracted with this beautiful face I'm looking at."Edd then sighed and face palmed his face. "I'm so sorry about my friends, but anyways y/n the pineapple hair dude is Tom, and that narcissistic guy over there is Matt." He said as he pointed at them who were sitting on the couch watching TV, well at least one of them were focused on the TV. "Um nice to meet you guys? I am your new neighbor." You said to them. The room stayed quiet and all you can hear was the Tv. "Um, anyways where would I be sleeping?" You said as you turned to Edd direction. "Oh you'll be sleeping at Tom's room." He said as he pointed to the direction of his room. "WHAT?! Why my room?!" Tom shouted. "Well because we can't do Matt's room, it's messy for a guest." "Then why not your room?" Tom asked. "Well because Ringo bed is in there and she wouldn't be okay if I moved it. Also she needs me to be in the same room as her when she sleeps." "Yeah sure" Tom said with an annoyed tone. "Besides I'm the only one who's paying the bill here, so I decided where the guest would be sleeping" "Surprisingly, you don't even have a job." Tom said. "Who cares! Anyways I'm sorry about him y/n. You can come with me to the kitchen." You then followed him. "Well your friend seems nice I guess." You said. "He could be nice sometimes but he's an asshole also. But that's Tom to you. I've gotten use to it." He said as he opened the fridge. "seems like we got left over pizza. Hope that's alright for you to eat. " he said as he turned to you. "Oh yeah that's fine don't worry." He then microwave some pizza for you. "Thank you for everything by the way. " you said to him as you sat down on the chair next to you. The pizza then finished heating. "Again no worries ,and here eat up." He said as he placed the plate of pizza on the table.

Many hours later you got to know Edd more, like the stuff he's interested in. He told you a pun and you laughed because it was stupid to you. "I'm glad someone finds my puns funny." "Well that's because they're stupid." You said. He then chuckled "yeah I know." You then noticed the time it was 8:50 pm. "I can't believe it's 8:50, it's been hours since we talked to each other." You said. "Oh yeah you're right, sorry I wasn't keeping track of the time, you can go to Tom's room he's probably out right now." "You sure? I mean I can just sleep on the couch." You said to him. "Nonsense I wouldn't let a guest sleep on a couch that would be uncomfortable for you. Besides, Tom doesn't care." Edd said. "It sure didn't seem like it but alright, good night Edd." You said to him as you walked your way to Tom's room. It felt so weird to you to be sleeping in someone's bed who you don't even know. But Edd was right, it would be uncomfortable sleeping on a couch sometimes. You then laid on the bed and looked around the room. You noticed a bass that kinda looked broken. "Huh he must play music or something." You said to yourself.

You then heard a notification from your phone. It was a text from your mom. It said "Hi honey, you're probably busy or sleeping but remember we miss you and we want you to be okay. We hope things soo far are going good for you. We love you good night, talk to you later. " you smiled at the text. You then responded "hi mom, I'm gonna go to sleep but I know. I miss you guys too, and so far things seems nice here. I met a new friend. I think life would be better for me now. Goodnight love you too! " you then turned off your phone and got up to turn off the lights. You laid on the bed and thought to yourself on how happy you met Edd. "Things seem to be getting better." You said to yourself before sleeping.

I hope you guys like the story so far, this is like the 2nd fan fiction I made that's not a joke. I've written story's before but I never published them. So I hope people will enjoy this.
1,757 words :)

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