❥chapter 4:Where am i...??

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 We then picked up this person and put them inside the car. I threw out my cigarette and closed the umbrella before getting in the car. We then drove off to take this person to the base. I'm sure the boss would be happy to see them.

Edd pov:
Oh crap...... I hope Y/N won't be mad that I'm late. I had to help Matt move his stupid mirrors. Hopefully Y/N would understand. As I got closer to the cafe I noticed Y/N wasn't there... I then saw Mr. John's coming out of the cafe. As I got closer I rolled down my window. "Hey Mr. John's, do you know where Y/N is?" "I did saw Y/N walking away, I'm sure they are waiting for you in the gas station nearby." He responded..... I didn't saw Y/N in the gas station as I drove by.... I'm getting worried... "Are you sure? Because I didn't saw Y/N there when I passed by the gas station." Mr. John's then had a confused look on his is face. "That can't be.... Why not try calling them?" I then nodded my head and took out my phone. I then dialed Y/N phone number and called them.... No answer.... I called them... Again no answer... Fuck.... Me and Mr. John's had a worried look. Mr. John's then spoke up and said, "oh god.... I'm worried something bad happened to them... I did saw someone suspicious though.... I couldn't see their face. Their hoodie and mask cover it. But they were walking behind Y/N....i swear I saw them in the back of the cafe earlier..." Oh crap.... Where can Y/N be?!

??? Pov:
As we got closer to the base we kept hearing ringing from this persons pocket. It's been like that for almost a minute. "Hey Parker, can you get that?" Parker nodded his head and reached his hand over to the pocket, he took out a phone. "It looks like this person named Edd is calling.... Should I answer?" Parker asked. Is he dumb? "No you idiot! Just declined the call." He then proceeded to tap the phone. He put down the phone until.... We heard someone say. "Y/N?! ARE YOU OKAY?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" so Y/N is their name..... Sounds nice... We just stood there not knowing what to do." End the call idiot!" I shouted. Parker then proceeded to end the call quickly as he can. "Sorry... I pressed the wrong button." "Yeah whatever, but we're here now." We then saw the gate open, and drove inside. "Back so soon huh Pax? I don't think the leader, would be happy about that, considering the fact you guys had a mission to do" I heard one of the soldier say, gosh I hate this dude so much..lucas is such a bitch.. I just rolled my eyes and said " yeah whatever, just inform the boss we have someone he would be happy to see." He then walked inside the huge building we have. It's mostly a big place where with a lot of rooms, it basically have everything. Rooms for the soldiers, rooms where boss would experiment things, and a hospital room if we are ever hurt. And there's Tord office, and his room. I never saw the inside of his room.... But I'm sure it's bigger then the ones we have. Next to the building there's a small one were we would train. Every soldier had to train before being a member of the red army. They've always had to fight the boss in the end of their training to prove they are worth being in the army. Boss didn't go easy on them..... He went extremely difficult for them. There would always be some blood on the floor.... "So who's gonna take them to Tord?" Parker asked. I then got out the car and asked Parker to get the umbrella. I then opened the door and picked up Y/N. I then walked towards the big building. Parker then followed us and held the umbrella for us. Gosh it's raining hard, I'm surprised I haven't heard any thunder. I then heard a loud bang and saw flashing lights. "What's so important to show me that you guys had to stop your mission." I heard Tord say. Well it's convenient that a thunder just happened as Tord came out of the base building. "Oh well, we found your min elsker.(your lover)" I said. He then had a shocked face. "hvorfor syntes du det var en god idé å ta dem hit?!(why did you think it was a good idea to bring them here?!)" Tord shouted. I could see that Lucas was smiling because Tord seems mad. That idiot doesn't even know what he's saying. "vel du elsker dem ikke sant? vi trodde du ville bli glad for at vi tok dem hit (well you love them right? we thought you'd be glad we brought them here.)" Parker responded. He then sighed and faced palm his face. "Just take them to my room, and leave them in my bed. I want you guys to get straight out of my room after that!" We then proceeded to get inside and walked towards an elevator. Tord followed us. It took a couple of minutes to be in the floor level where Tord's room is at. He then took a keycard to open the door. His keycard has every access to the rooms out here. We also have access to every room except his room, and his office. I guess we're superior than the others, but we just don't have access to Tord's rooms. As we we're about to get inside, I saw a German Shepherd ruining up towards Tord. The dog then started barking and jumped up to Tord. It was wagging its tail. "loki gå inn igjen!(Loki get back inside!)" Tord said as he pointed to the room. I didn't know Tord had a dog. The dog listened and jumped on to a couch and lay down. We then got inside, and wow.... Tord's room was big. I saw that he had his own kitchen. He has everything that we don't have. Me and Parker share a room, every soldier has to. But our room is so much bigger than the soldiers room. Even our bathroom is bigger. But we don't have our own kitchen, we just get food from the machine that's in our wall. The machine brings us food from the kitchen. At least our food is better than the others..... I also noticed Tord has a TV, a big TV. "Put them in my bedroom there," Tord said, pointing to his bedroom. I walked over and gently placed Y/N on the bed. I see Tord has a big room, king sized bed, lovely furniture, and a big TV here also??? As I was about to leave I saw Tord's bathroom, it has a big bathtub/shower. Man... I wish I lived here. "Pax hurry up" I heard Tord say. I then got out of his bedroom, and got out of his room that's basically a house at this point. Me and Parker just went back outside to continue our mission. As we got out of the base I thought of Y/N....i wonder what will Tord gonna do about them.

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