❥Chapter 3: Him....

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You were thinking about what that person mumbled.... What did they mean by that? As you were almost close to your house you see Edd welcoming someone. They looked very familiar....

First person pov:
As you got closer Edd seemed to notice you. "HEY Y/N COME MEET MY FRIEND!" he shouted. You then walked up towards them. You notice the person next to him is someone wearing a red hoodie, devil shaped brown hair, and gray eyes. You realize it was Tord, the person who you hated in high school. You never liked Tord because how rude he was to you back then. Especially because of the nickname he gave you. "Well long time no see midget." Tord said with a smirk on his face. "Shut up weirdo, just because I'm shorter than you doesn't mean I'm a midget." You said to Tord with an annoyed tone. You saw Edd looking confused. "You guys know each other?" "Sadly, I had classes with this asshole back in high school." "Aww, was it that bad to be around me?" Tord said. You didn't want to keep talking to Tord, his stupid face bother you. You then decided to go walk back home. "Wait! I wanted to know if you would like to go fishing with me, tom, and Matt." Before you could say anything Tord then spoke up."Edd I'ma need to go for a bit, I'll be back soon." He said as he ran away towards an Alleyway. 'What could that weirdo even be doing.... 'You thought to yourself. But as much you love going out with your friends, you were extremely tired. Although it's barely the afternoon yesterday was a busy shift. "Sorry Edd, I got off work early since I'm extremely tired. But maybe next time." Edd had a sad look on his face. "oh alright, Matt really wanted you to go, but hey do you wanna come over once were back?" You thought for a minute. It would be fun, but Tord would probably be there.. "I'll see, but for now I'ma go take a nap" you then started to continue walking back home. You then opened your door and walked towards your room. You then changed into your favorite pajamas since they were always comfortable for you. You then jump on your bed and laid down. You were still questioning what that guy in the alley way mumbled.... Well, you'll just try to forget about that. Besides the big issue is the fact you are gonna have to see Tord again. "Gosh.... I can't believe ima gonna now have to see his stupid face, his stupid hair, his stupid accent, and his stupid clothes..." You said as you were slowly falling asleep.

Few hour's later

You then woke up, you were still a bit tired but just decided to go for a walk. You changed into your most comfortable outfit. As you were getting out of your house you noticed Edd, Matt, and Tom were getting out the car..... With a whale behind it?? You then walked up to Edd. "Um.... What is this about?" You said as pointing to the whale. "Oh that? That's the whale I caught with my harpoon!" Tom said happily as he was opening the door. "I honestly don't know what we're gonna do about that..... But anyways do you wanna come inside?" Edd asked. You didn't know what to say, because you don't wanna be near Tord. But it does seems like he didn't go with them, so he must not be here. "sure!" You responded. As you guys got inside Tom was singing a song of how harpoons are better than spoons. You then heard Tom said "Who goes there?!" you heard a loud gasp, and a sound of metal dropping. Edd then popped his head in the corner and also gasped. You went to see what all this was about. As you got closer you saw someone walking out of the dark. "Hello old friend" they said as they slowly revealed themselves. It was Tord, 'great... He's back...' You thought to yourself. "Tord! ! Welcome back!" Edd said as he proceeded to hug Tord. You looked at Tom who seems to be upset about all this. "Welcome back?" Tom said, you saw how Matt was walking out of the kitchen holding a cookie. "I hope you don't mind me letting myself in." Tord said. "No, not at all!...... Who are you?" Matt asked. "It's me! Tord?" "Uhhh... " "He used to live here." "Uhh...." "Yeah, USED to!" "You really don't remember...?" Matt still seemed to be confused and seemed like he was thinking hard to remember. You stood there not knowing what to say or do. You decide just to sneak out of the house without them noticing. As you were close to the door Ringo went up to you and started rubbing herself against your leg. She started purring and meowing. "Not now Ringo." You said quietly as you can. Edd seemed to notice you and went up to you. "Where are you going?" Edd asked. 'Crap' you thought to yourself. You didn't want to be rude and tell Edd you were just leaving because of that asshole. So you decided to lie. "Oh I just notice Ringo, and wanted to pet her." You said as you went down on your knees and started petting Ringo. "Oh okay then." Edd said as he picked up Ringo. He then walked over back to Tord. You just followed him so you don't seem like a bad friend. "What happened to the chairs?" Tord asked as he was walking around the living room. "Tom sold them to a pirate." "Ha! Classic stupid Tom! Don't worry." Tord said as he pull out this cube out of his pocket, and proceeded to throw it. The cube then turned to a sofa and Matt and Edd got all excited. "YAY SOFA!" They both shouted. One of those cubes seemed to have fallen out of Tord's pocket, and you were about to grab it but instead Tom picked it up. "What is this?" He asked as he was looking around the cube. "Oh, just something I invented." Tord responded and then took out a controller with a big red button and press on it. The cube also turned to a sofa, and was on top of Tom crushing him. Tord then got on top of the couch. "So, when are you leaving again?" Tom asked as he was trying to crawl out of the sofa. "leaving? I'm moving back in!" Tom then had a shocked face. "what?! Edd?!" Tom exclaimed. "Tom! Stop being so rude, I told you last week" "but you were eati- never mind." Edd then faced Tord and started talking to him. "I hate that the commie is back." You heard Tom mumbled. "you hate him too?" You asked. Tom then nodded and said "I always hated him, every since high school. He was always an asshole." You were glad to see someone agrees that he's an asshole. "same, he was always rude to me." Tom then smiled and was about to say something until Edd shouted out "Oh Tord! Let me show you the attic!" They then went up the stairs. "Should we go with them?" You asked, Tom then just sighed and followed them. As you guys got upstairs. Tord was looking around and said "Wow, it looks you had lost of adventures while I was away.....I wish I could have been there." You saw Edd looking like he felt bad. "Hey! I have an idea!" He excitedly said. The room went quiet for a minute until Tord spoke up. "Wha-" "EVERYONE LET'S GET TO THE CAR! WE'RE GONNA RECREATE ALL OUR ADVENTURES." "What? There's no way we're gonna do that all day." Tom said. "Aw, come on Tom it's for Tord." Edd said as he had his hand on his shoulder. Tord then just had a smug look on his face. "Yay! We're going on an adventure!" Matt shouted. "See even Matt wants do this, come on tom!" Tom just stood there with his arm crossed. "I'll buy you all the Smirnoff you want." Edd said with a smirk on his face. "ALRIGHT LET'S GO!" Tom shouted, they all went downstairs. "Are you coming with us Y/N?" Edd asked. You pause for a second, you didn't want to go with them because of that asshole...."actually... I just remembered... I uh got important things to do." You said trying to sound like you were telling the truth. "Oh okay then" Edd said with a smile. You guys then went down stairs.

"Anything for you..." Tord x Reader (OLD AND DISCONTINUE)Where stories live. Discover now