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I'm working as a programmer for a large company in the capital, in short, a living dead in this era. My eyebags are healthier than me, and fatigue can be seen in my body. The only thing that can satisfy me is the novel that I've been reading for almost 7 years, and today is the release of the final chapter.

I take a train after work and wait to reach the nearest station to my apartment. My heavy eyes can't keep up at all. I want to throw myself in my bed as soon as possible. After 20 minutes of walking, I finally reached my apartment and hurriedly opened the door. My legs are losing their strength. I tossed my things on the floor and threw myself onto my cold bed. I slowly embraced the sleepiness that was lingering on me, but before I could do that...

'Ting, Ting'

I groped for my phone from the suit that I threw on the floor.

[The Fated Rose: Final Chapter]

The finale of the most awaited best-selling novel is out. Click it and check it out.

This novel is the one that's keeping me alive in this world. Just grab all my money, dear author! I instantly opened the page and read. I felt that the sleepiness from earlier had vanished. The ending that I had hoped for is happening right now. The last dungeon where the villain and male protagonist are raiding is the final stage of the Dark Imodal. After the raid, the male protagonist fights the villain to stop his evil act against them. In the end, the villain loses, and at his doorstep of death...

I already predicted the ending of this, but still, I couldn't stop from reading it. The villain who committed numerous evil acts driven by jealousy faced his deserving ending. But why do I pity him now? In the previous chapter, I was cursing him and wishing him to die. In his last words, he says...

"I do not regret my previous act. I just disappointed in myself for being not enough for you Jheihai." It's not that you're not enough; it's just that fate didn't side with you.

I, myself, admit to not being that great at all. I always feel that I'm lacking in everything, but maybe I just set the wrong boundary to cross. The ending that I predicted indeed happened, but why do I feel doused with cold water? Harrold's last line has a huge impact on the ending. Before turning off the phone, I left a comment in the Last Chapter, thanking the author for finishing this masterpiece.


Yourcatmouse;> @Author-nim, such a masterpiece. Thank you for bringing this into my life...

F0thuor;> Kyaaaa, Fedrick and Jhehai forever, #RickHei

Matthew14#;> The ending that I want


Noona05#*;> What will happen to Harrold?

Coalajha82&$;> Why are you even asking about that asshole?

Vhelon56^#;> Shut up, you're ruining my celebration!!!

XiXi22#;> You're enough, but it doesn't mean you can be with him. And for you @Author-nim, thank you for this wonderful masterpiece that you built for over 7 years of effort and affection.

I close my eyes and let the lingering sleepiness take over.

"Master, are you awake?" Someone who softly spoke with a gentle voice slowly pulled the blanket covering my face.

"Who?" I immediately opened my eyes and saw a man standing near the table while pushing a cart of luxury sets of food.

He is at least in his late thirties, with light brown hair and a pair of hazel-green eyes that match his gentle face, along with a well-built body that can't be hidden in his suit.

"I prepared a soup for your hangover, and I called the doctor in case you sustained an injury last night." What is he saying about last night? And first of all, where am I?

"Master, is there something wrong?" The man worriedly looked at me.

"Why do you keep calling me master?" I don't even know you, and isn't that a little bit disrespectful for you either? My question makes his eyes widen and makes him stunned for a moment.

"Master, you need to see a doctor indeed." I'm not sick, you freak. He hurriedly walks away without looking back in my direction.

'Just what is happening right now?'

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