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After breakfast I asked the information related to the former Luo Xi, of course one of my reasons was to dig the connection between Sheng Feng Bai and Harrold Beok, the current situation was not bad, and it tells here that they indeed interact with each other but it's just a formality and nothing more.

Feng Bai is a Class-C Hunter, and he began to pester Harrold to the point of stalking him and knowing his schedule in everyday life. There's a ton of characters in this novel so why do I need to be connected to this Idiot damn diehard fan of Harrold. Yes, Feng Bai is one of Harrold crazy fan and if I going to say it myself Feng Bai really crossed the line of involving Jheihai into his jealousy and obsession.

I leaned on the couch and stare at the ceiling,

'Can I just cut my connection with Sheng Family, NO'

Sheng Family is indeed great from Business to Guild, my older first brother is a Class-A Hunter who's currently a guild Leader of the Sheng Guild Association, his name is Sheng Nao Kim. After the downfall of Sheng Family Sheng Nao Kim cut all his ties in the main family and choose to be one in the Pheonix Guild where Fedrick Wyners is the Guild Leader. So why do Luo Xi need to be drag into this family messed when I didn't even that closed nor in touch with them, *sigh that's the life of an extra what are to be expected. The author didn't even show this Luo Xi in the plot just a family background to complete the perfect family trees of Sheng.

There's no record of awaken in Luo Xi so I guess I'm just a normal citizen here. 'Wait, that's it'

"Duo Lin, do I take a awaken test?"

In this world there's what they called [Ethia] it's a blessing from the Goddess of Life that give the human the ability to surpass their humanity and fight the pool of monster in the abyss of Dungeon. Not all humans are blessed by Ethia.

There's two ways to know if you had a [Ethia] first the natural awaken that most of the hunter experience this process, it's a normal process and without a doubt you had a[Ethia]. The second way is to take the awaken test, unlike to the natural awaken this is like forcing to know if you had an [Ethia]. The reason why [Ethia] didn't show up in natural awaken has two reasons either you don't have a bless to have an [Ethia] or the [Ethia] in your body was being held to prevent the disaster it can make mean you do have a lot of Ethia.

"Now that you mention it, I do hear from the Chairman that you refuse to take a test while saying that 'it better this way'." great I glimpse a single string of hope now.

"Duo Lin, I will take the test"

"Yes? You do what!?" his eyes wide in surprised on what I said.

"Do we have a car or are we going to grab a taxi?" it's more convenient if do have a car.

"No Master, you do have a car I will arrange it now and make you an appointment to take a test." why do I felt that your more excited than me.


"Yes, Master?" his smile from ear to ear

"I don't want my father to know this"

"Huh, but why?" I need to be unnoticed as possible.

"Just do what I said"

"Okay, Master" then he leaves to take the car and wait for me in the lobby.

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