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I am still puzzled about what's happening right now. I rushed to get up to look for the answer in my inquisitive mind, then I stood stunned in front of the mirror facing me. A young man in his early twenties with a slender body and fair skin as white as snow, his pair of mysterious plum eyes with pinkish lips added to his natural ash-purple hair has really caught me off guard.

Wait, something doesn't seem right here! "Who?"

"W-wait?" I just noticed it now, my voice, why? Why does it sound like that? My voice is husky and deep, but why do I sound euphonious and mellifluous at the same time? It's not manly at all. Wait, am I becoming a girl? I hurriedly check my manhood to see if my little buddy is still there. Luckily, I still have my manhood, but it's not as great as before. Then I look at the mirror once again and carefully examine this face and body. At first glance, you really can't tell if this is a man or a woman, but I can't deny that this face is so attractive.

"Master, the doctor is here!" a man who was earlier present is now back with his so-called doctor.

"I don't need to be checked. I'm not sick."

"Maybe the sudden appearance of the Dungeon shocked you too much!" What is he saying? Wait, Dungeon?

"You said Dungeon?"

"Yes, Master. In fact, the Dungeon appeared near the road that we were taking at 5:45 P.M. yesterday." What the... isn't a Dungeon where the monsters come from?

"Luckily, Hunter Harrold Beok was on the scene, so the damage was not that big, and no deaths have been recorded." Hunter? Harrold Beok? Isn't that the name of the villain in the novel that just finished yesterday?

"What's the date today?"


"What's the date today!?" I asked more aggressively this time.

"Today is the 23rd of August, Year XXXX." It's the beginning of the novel.

"What's my name?"

"Master, are you really alright?"

"Just answer my question."

"You're the youngest son of the Sheng Group's third generation, Sheng Luo Xi, currently 20 years old, born on February 21st last winter. Zodiac sign Pisces and..." Before he said more, I interrupted him to shut him up. I just asked for my name, not my life story.

Sheng Luo Xi? I do remember someone with the last name Sheng and an idiotic sub-character, Sheng Feng Bai, the second son of Sheng Peng Shao.

"Who's my father?"

"Your father is the current Chairman of the Sheng Group, one of the three Major Groups in the Capital and Overseas." Oh, darn, hahaha, the soon-to-be-ruined group in the three major groups due to the idiotic brother, goddamn pushover.

How should I deal with it? I can't just talk about the future, can I?

"By the way, what's your name?" I can't just call you "hey" or "you" forever, can I?

"Master, be honest, have you lost your memory?" Is it that obvious? But I can't think of any excuse right now.

"A little, I haven't entirely lost my memories. I remember some, but not that much." It's not a lie, though.

A long silence fills the room, making my throat dry.

"I-I'm sorry, Master. It's my fault. If only I hadn't forced you to go out yesterday, this wouldn't have happened at all." The guilt and anxiety can be traced in his bearing.

"I will do everything to help you remember everything, Master." I can feel his eager gaze directed at me, which made me uneasy. This type of person is the hardest to deal with.

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