Chapter 15

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Last time on Total Drama Island...

The twelve surviving campers were put through Master Chief Hatchet's brutal boot camp. Duncan was the first to be sent to the brig by Major Harshines for disorderly conduct. Shocker. But what was a surprise was when by-the-book Courtney smuggled food to P.O.W. Duncan. The two proceeded to pull a B&E to steal some PB&J and ended up K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Hoo.

It seems like Duncan's mischievous acts are creating a strain on his friendship with Asteria. He-he, sorry Duncan shippers, but I don't think this friendship will go any further.

Leshawna won her stripes for the Gophers, and the Bass smelt something fishy when Courtney was suddenly voted off. Confession cams revealed that it was Harold who tampered with the votes to get back at Duncan for torturing him.

That seems a bit unfair, I mean, hello? He's a bully. That's what they do. Birds gotta fly, fishes gotta swim, dude. Let a playa play. This week the campers are pushed to be extreme.

Who will crack under the pressure?

Find out right now on

Total. Drama. Island!


Asteria tossed and turned in her bed as she cuddled her pillow. Her dreams were clouded with images of people she had a crush on. She dreamt of the dates she'd go on, cooking together, sleeping together and even..., she shot up from her bed breathing heavily.

She looked around as if someone could read her mind. She sighed and fell back on her bed. She closed her eyes and tried to sleep, but the sound of a helicopter rumbled through the camp.

Asteria groaned, she tried muffling the sound by covering her ears with her pillows. The sound of the helicopter got louder and louder, forcing her to get out of bed with the other girls.

Everyone dressed up and groggily walked out of their cabin. They all looked up to see Chris in a run-down aeroplane.

Asteria's head tilted, "Uhh, I think that's coming towards us,"

"Incoming!" Chris shouted as the plane was getting closer to the ground.

"Hit the deck!" Geoff shouted, he threw his arms around Bridgette and Asteria, jumping with them to the ground out of Chris's way.

Chris looked down at the campers laying on the ground and smiled, "Yes! I can't wait to get my pilot's licence!" Chris, not paying attention, drove straight towards the communal toilets, knocking it down, revealing the grizzly bear with bags of marshmallows.

The grizzly bear quickly hid behind his back, shaking in fear. A few marshmallows dropped behind him like pellets

Chris landed and hit the brakes bringing the plane to a screeching halt. Chris still grinning looked back at the campers slowly getting up. "Just flexing your muscles for today's," he pulled out a megaphone and shouted," Extreme sports challenge!"

An echo rang throughout the campsite, rattling the campers' eardrums.

As the echo ended Gwen's body slumps "It's too early for this," she groaned.

Chris tilted the megaphone down, "This week, you'll participate in three challenges. First up," he lifted the megaphone up again. "Extreme sofa bed skydiving! Contestants will plummet, uh...," the door of the plane opened, revealing Chef in his military suit and a backpack. "Skydive to a waiting sofa bed target below."

Chef hopped off the plane to demonstrate and landed on the sofa bed, which instantly trapped him. Everyone winced as Chef's muffled screams of pain were heard through the folded sofa bed.

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