but were you really dead??? ;)

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okay but this is what would've happened if you were alive
I guess this is part 2 of Death? but if you liveddddd

Eddie moved his head to the left to see you lying on the floor facing the other way. Suddenly he remembered how you pushed him to the side and sacrificed yourself to the bats for him, he also remembered seeing you getting pulled down onto the floor and bats starting to feist on you
"y/n" Eddie said in a quiet but heartbroken tone
Dustin looked over to you ,Laying there not moving a single muscle
" shit shit shit shit " Dustin spoke not knowing what to do . Should he stay with Eddie? or help you? although before he could decide it on his own Eddie decided for him
" Dustin." Eddie said
" yeah?"
" We need to help her"
" i know but i"
" help me get up " said Eddie interrupting Dustin
" Eddie the bats-"
" No no I'm fine, I just need to see if Y/n is fine too " he said,  this time in a worried tone

Dustin tried to help Eddie up but it was no use. Dustin lifted him up just a bit off the ground and accidentally almost dropped him.
" Sorry it just my leg" he said
" what happened to your leg?"
" it's nothing"
" Alright I'm gonna do this on my own stand back" Eddie said
Eddie had a few failed attempts to get up but then he army crawled to you and then lifted himself up a bit to see your face
Dustin pulled on your elbow a bit which made you turn and face them (idk if that makes sense )
Your eyes were closed and you had scars and bat bites everywhere one very concerning bat bite on your lower hip.
Your legs were covered I'm blood and scars and your hands were cold, shivering .You had twice the size and amount of scars that Eddie had. Eddie was so upset to see you in such state his hands started shaking and his expression looked blank, he was so terribly upset he thought you were dead. He held your hand in his and then put his head softly onto your hands, he let out tears and sobs so silently that Dustin didn't even realize until Eddie lifted his face. Dustin also looked upset his eyes were already red from crying because of Eddie so they got even more red when he saw you. Eddie looked at your face, so focused this time, looking at every detail of you when all of a sudden out of nowhere you started squinting our eyes and slowly opening them. Eddie instantly grew a small smile on his face and he got excited like a little child
" y/n !" he said in pure happiness
you looked at him quite confused.
" Eddie?"
you were tired and weak you couldn't feel anything at the moment, not even emotions.
" yes yes its me"
you looked down at your body seeing all the scars and bleeding places and Eddie noticed you were doing so
" you'll be okay I promise , we'll get you to the hospital alright? "
you slowly lifted your left hand, the one which Eddie still wasn't holding , and touched the most obvious scar you could find. Once you did touch it you  let out  a groan in pain
" you'll be okay sweetheart just hold still he said and turned his head to Dustin
" we need to get out of here "
as soon as he said so he saw  Steve Nancy and Robin running to them from a far. They came pretty quickly and started examining the scars
" she's loosing too much blood " said nancy
" yeah we have to get her ou-" Before Robin could continue she noticed Y/n had become unconscious.
Everyone's head turned towards You seeing your eyes were  closed  and I can't lie  Eddie started full on panicking until Robin finally was capable of telling him you  were unconscious because of the blood loss

they all got back to the trailer in the Upside down started tying things together to make a new rope. Once they finished Steve helped Eddie and Y/n who couldn't even stand up back to the normal side of Hawkins

afterwards they rushed you and Eddie into the hospital as fast as they could
they all waited and waited and even visited Max but you still weren't up. They just decided to leave and then come back later

(so they had left you and Eddie alone in the hospital;)  )

-skip a bit
You had finally woken up
You started looking around without moving and realized that Eddie was next to you. He was peacefully sleeping on a chair pulled close to the bed, holding your hand tightly , you came to the conclusion that he had been waiting for you to wake up for a long time . You realized he was also wearing a hospital gown. You softly stroked his hand trying to wake him up a bit. While you did so you realized his whole arm was covered in scars which were barely covered up, and that  his fingers had bandages on them. While you continued examining him you heard him let out a groan, he slowly rubbed his eyes trying to open them, Once he did open them his face had went from tired to joyful
" Y/n your awake !"
He hugged you tightly
" how long have I been here? " You said smiling at him
" about as long as I have, sorry haven't been counting but I'm just so excited to see you up ! I was soooo worried y/n" he said and hugged you once more
" did you wait for me to wake up munson?" you smirked
He looked at you, still smiling
He sat on the bed  and moved next to you hugging you still, not wanting to let you go
" I thought you died you scared the living hell out of me Hargrove "
you laughed
" Oh you can't get rid of me that quickly " you said and smiled
" Hey your scars are better now" Eddie said and you looked
They most definitely were not better, in fact they hurt more than before even when you weren't touching them but they had just covered it up with thick Gauze rolls
" I guess but I look like a mummy my legs and my arms are all covered in Gauze rolls  "
Eddie chuckled
" atleast youre okay "
you looked around the room once again and really focused on the silence
" where are the others ?"
" Oh they left, they checked up on Steve's  injury from the bats too oh and they also visited Max "
You froze
"Max? what the hell happened to Max Eddie ?"

Max and you weren't related but got along quite well and were extremely close , she described you as the sister she never could have. Billy was more softer on you but harder on her so when you both were together Billy couldn't do anything to both of you. After his death your father kicked out both you and the Mayfields, you rented a small house not too far from the trailer park so you could see the people you loved the most. Now hearing that something was wrong with her broke your heart and got you worrying about all of the possibilities in under seconds.

You tried lifting yourself up from the bed but groaned and hissed in pain. Eddie put his arm around your waist being careful so he didn't hurt you
" You can see her later alright sweetheart right now you seriously need some rest your still bleeding through your scars cmon"
He said lightly pushing you back onto the bed but you resisted
As much as you wanted to lay down you also wanted to know what was wrong with Max
"I need to see Max Eddie"
" I know I know and you will just not now"
" Eddie I need to see her!" You raised your voice a bit
Eddie could see you were upset and wanted to do anything to help but he just wanted you to get rest right now
" Sweetheart"
" No Eddie no ! I need to see her " you started tearing up a bit
Eddie pulled you into a hug which you wanted to pull away from but just couldn't
" I need to see her " you whispered into  his shoulder crying

Y/n X Eddie Munson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now