can things go back to the way they were?

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Sorry for not writing here much!
I write a lot more in Joseph imagines if yall want you can go check that out!

Tw: Language

You had woken up to yet another school day, unfortunately.
But this time it sucked even more because that weekend you had broken up with Eddie and you hadn't talked with him since.

You got up since you had to go to school whether you liked it or not.
You got up did your hair makeup etc
You left the house and started walking.
Usually Eddie would pick you up and it would just be a quiet drive to school with you both separating after kissing eachover.At the old times it was better, he would passionately kiss you and keep his hand on your hip the whole time then refuse to let go and act like a child until you convinced him with yet another passionate kiss.

Eddie had changed but he could live a dull life forever, atleast you thought.

You didn't want to see Eddie so you just rushed inside and started stuffing all of your things into your locker.
As you did you felt a cold set of finger touch your shoulder , it was Robin
She was joyful and happy, as she always was

" Hey y/n!"
" Hey"
" You Kay?"
you smiled and then looked around
" Hey where's Steve?"
" I dunno, probably hooking up with Heather or her best friend or something."
You both laughed and then she started looking around
" Hey where Uh where's Eddie?"
You looked down at your shoes
" We um" You stopped talking and then tried to pull yourself together
" we broke up."
" Oh my god y/n I am so sorry " She said as she pulled you into a very tight hug
" Thanks "
" If you need anything and I mean anything im here okay?"
" Okay :)"
You smiled at her and she smiled at you back
The bell rang
" sorry gotta go see you at lunch y/n!" Robin said as she started running to her class
you looked at your locker trying to figure out which class you had until


your next class was with Eddie.

You slowly walked towards there and entered the class, just hoping he wasn't there yet

luckily for you he really wasn't
You let out a relieved sigh and walked towards your seat at the back which was usually right next to Eddie

After about 3 minutes Eddie entered the room with a blank look
He looked around the room to find a empty seat, he spotted you. You both looked into eachover eyes until Eddie pulled away, making his way to one of then seats a bit more in the middle, far away from you.

Classes finished quickly and it was finally time for lunch, you decided that you were going to talk to Eddie about all of this and get things straight. You headed towards the Hellfire club table.

" Hey Y/n!"Dustin said
" Hey have you guys seen Eddie?"
Dustins smile faded a bit as he looked down at his lunch
"He doesn't sit here anymore" responded Mike
" What why?"
"He said Dnd was 'stupid' " Mike said and crossed his arms
That's when you remembered. Eddie hadn't touched dnd ever since the whole Upside down thing.
Although why would he call dnd stupid now? Why did he continue sitting there even if he didn't play it?
" Alright.Do yiu have any idea where he could be i just need to speak with him"
" About what" Dustin said
" None of your business " you said jokingly with a smile.
It had been a while since you had smiled naturally and god did it feel great.
" He was carrying that little drug bag of his into the woods" Replied Gareth
" Thanks I'll go then bye!"

You walked in to the forest towards the table you and Eddie had shared your first kiss at, but it upsetted you thinking that you might have not been the only person he kissed on that table because the more and more closer you got to the table the laughter coming from the forest grew louder.It was Eddie and some dark haired cheerleader, and they were doing what seemed to be drugs.( well Eddie was smoking but yk)
You knew he had a thing for cheerleaders and you could bet on the fact that he had fucked every. single. one.
Because every time while you and Eddie were walking in school a cheerleader would pass by and giggle as Eddie would smirk at them. Now to think of it was he fucking cheerleaders while you two were dating?.
Your eyes turned red from fury but you tried to calm yourself down.
You hid behind a few bushes to examine what was happening more better

it seemed that the cheerleader was flirting with Eddie.

She had her hand on his cheek and was stroking it while Eddie still had that stupid smirk on his face.The cheerleader then stopped and put her head on his shoulder as he put his arm around her.
now they were calmly sitting there, well atleast they were until the cheerleader said something else and they both started laughing again.

You were happy to see that he was finally smiling and having fun like he used to but you were upset that he hadn't smiled as much as that when he was around you, ever.

You felt tears forming in your eyes as you ran away from the table
Eddie saw you, but he didn't even get up. he just stared.

couldn't things just go back to the way they were?
before, everything.

Y/n X Eddie Munson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now