not the same anymore

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⚠️This story has nothing to do with the others⚠️
Requests are open if yall have any
Sorry for the mistakesss

It had been a while since you and Eddie had made it out of the Upside down and ever since then things weren't the same, alteast not like they used to be.
Eddie acted quite distant, When you both were finally together on the picnic table he made drug deals at ( he used to call it your secret place ;) ) he would sit in front of you Instead of sitting right next to you with his arm around you.
He refused to go to Hellfire , he hadn't touched dnd ever since he had made it out of the Upside Down.
You wanted to help you really did but you didn't know how.

One day you decided to visit him at his uncles trailer. You went in , the living room was empty so you figured he was just in his room but he wasn't. You looked around the whole house but there was no sign of Eddie, his van was still in the driveway so you figured he couldn't have gone too far .

After a while you finally found him
He had his hands in his hair, pulling them lightly.He was wearing the same absolute most boring clothes ever, at the old times he would wear clothes with bands logos or names on them but now he just wore plain black shirt everyday.

" Eddie?"
He jumped a bit but when he recognized your voice he calmed down.He turned around to check if it really was you and then spoke
" What are you doing here y/n,its late go home"
his voice was a bit shaky
" I came to look for you."
"Well now you've found me so I think you can go."
You took a deep breath and spoke
"Eddie what's wrong?"
" Nothing is wrong y/n just go leave me alone in my own head space"
"Eddie clearly Somethings wrong I mean the whole group has noticed it"
" Well nothing is wrong" he raised his voice which left you stunned in your place
"Eddie I just want to help" you replied in a concerned tone
" Well I'm telling you nothing is wrong y/n just go away and leave me the hell alone!"
He looked at the floor and back at you
"Eddie I'm trying to tell you that I just want to help I know what you went through"
" You know nothing y/n. Nothing"
He started walking deeper into the woods but you followed
" Eddie"
" Just shut up and leave me alone okay! I'll deal with my own problems myself"
" Well obviously you can't because it's been almost a month since we got out of the Upside down and you haven't been acting like yourself"
He softly chuckled
" Nothing is like it used to be y/n don't you get it, It's not the same anymore ,The group, Hawkins,Us."
The last word he said broke your heart
" What do you mean by 'us' eddie"
" I think you know what i mean."
You couldn't believe it, all you wanted to do was help the man you truly loved but he shut you out and now he was breaking up with you, unbelievable.
Tears were forming in your eyes as you watched Eddie walk away like nothing happened.

You ran back home not looking back at all

He was refusing help, pretending like nothing was wrong but you were sure he couldn't keep that act up for long.

Sorry this is short I'm out of ideas but if yall have any please let me know!

Y/n X Eddie Munson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now