Chapter 1 Grace's POV

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"Please come with us Grace you'll love it I promise you but if we are going we need to go NOW!"
"Fine I'll go but I know I'm not going to enjoy it" I say as I grab my coat on the way to the door. I live in a small cramped apartment in London, England with only one bedroom, a kitchen, living room and a tv. I moved here three years ago my parents were furious that I wasn't going to college in the U.S. but I moved here because there were more jobs near home and the college I plan on attending in the fall of next year. The only two friends I have here are Christy and Faith
"Come on Grace lets go I promise you will love this concert."
"Christy, you said that last time I went and I HATED it."
Okay the real reason why I moved away from home is because I was always depressed. I was hurting my family and friends. When I left and moved here I met Christy and Faith and they told me they felt the same as me and did the same as I.
"Grace do you have your keys?"
"Yes but why I thought we would take the bus?"
"I was hoping to go in your car if you don't mind." Christy says with a grin as big as the moon.
I've a Mustang convertible the older model like 2002 I think.... and besides I'm the only one that can drive Christy and Faith don't have their licenses yet.
"Fine. Who are we going to see?"
"One Direction... duh..."
Ugh this was going to be one very very very long night."
"Cool " I say as I unlock the car and roll my eyes.
We get there two minutes before the concert starts we check in and go find our seats.
They sing four different songs I think Little Black Dress was one and Happily. That's all I can remember.Then it it time for a brief intermission. I look over at Christy wanting to tell her that I was going to find the restroom but she was busy talking to Faith. So I left and wondered down the halls looking for the restroom then all of a sudden WHAM.....!!!! A guy runs into me I push him off and say excuse me and started to walk off but he grabs me by my waist and said
"You might want to come with me. You'll know in a minute why. Just Trust Me!!"

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