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"I TAKE IT YOU'RE ENJOYING YOUR evening yes?" Time slowed, until it came to a complete stop. This moment felt like a scene straight from a movie. Everybody else around us ceased to exist as I stared directly at my professor.

His grey short sleeved shirt hugged his muscular frame, accentuating every flex of his muscles with even the slightest movement. The top two buttons were undone, showcasing his smooth inked chest.

Those tattoos trailed down both of his arms, stopping just below his wrists. His silver watch and chain shimmered underneath the warm, glowy lights. I couldn't take my eyes off him even if I wanted to.

Seems though he was experiencing the exact same dilemma. His eyes raked down my body, ever so slowly making me gulp. Why did I suddenly feel nervous?

His black hair was sleeked back, a few strands falling onto his forehead. He slid his tongue across his bottom lip and my gaze instantly shifted to it. There was ample distance between us but I could smell his cologne.

It infiltrated my senses, making every other scent in the surrounding area suddenly disappear. He leaned against the wall, shoving both of his hands into the pockets of his pants.

His aura was magnetic and hypnotising. "I am." I responded breathlessly, suddenly at a loss for words — while I lost my mind. "Are you enjoying yours sir?"

The change in his demeanour would've been unnoticeable if I hadn't been observant. When the word sir left my lips his eyes darkened. "Please, call me Sergio. We're not at campus right now are we?" His question was obviously rhetorical but I ignored it. "My evening actually just got a whole lot better."

"Oh." I said. "My apologies Sergio. I'm glad to hear your evening got better. However, if we're on a first name basis now it's mandatory that you call me Aaliyah. Miss Haynes is way too formal for my liking."

"Of course, that seems fair Aaliyah." His Italian accent was feint but I could easily detect it. I'd completely forgotten the reason for leaving Vanessa until I remembered that I urgently needed to make use of the restroom.

"I'll see you on Monday though, enjoy the rest of your evening." Perhaps that was too dismissive. I didn't want to indulge in conversation and overstep any boundaries.

He only smiled, pushing himself off the wall and walked in my direction. For the briefest moment, my heart stopped and my breathing rate increased. "Same to you." He muttered, brushing pass me. "I like your dress."

His words stopped me dead in my tracks and I slowly turned around, preparing to face him. When our eyes met he was already looking at me. "If you were mine, you'd definitely have left the restroom with wobbly legs."

At first I was confused by his statement, until the meaning behind it hit me square in the jaw and made me feel like I was losing my balance. Before I could respond, he was already walking away. "Enjoy your evening Aaliyah."

I couldn't move, couldn't blink — hell it felt like I couldn't even breathe at this point. Did he just say what I think he said? No.

It couldn't be reality, perhaps it was my imagination or perhaps I was drunk — even though alcohol hadn't touched my lips yet. I must've misheard him or misunderstood.

I watched him walk away, my eyes roaming from his perfectly faded hair then slowly working towards his broad shoulders and back. Unholy thoughts filled my mind in that moment. Thoughts that I definitely shouldn't have been having, especially when it involved my damn professor.

My brain went haywire and I once again almost forgot the reason I left the table in the first place. After standing on the same spot for what felt like hours but was actually just minutes, I finally moved and practically ran to the restroom.

The sound of my heels clicking sounded louder than it should have, given the music playing in the background. My senses were definitely heightened, making every sound unbearably noisy.

After hyperventilating and giving myself a pep talk in the huge mirror, I finally returned to our table. I glanced around the restaurant, hoping and praying that Mr Leone wasn't still in the surrounding area.

Vanessa eyed me suspiciously despite my best attempt at acting natural. "Why do you have that look on your face?" She questioned.

I furrowed my eyebrows, feigning ignorance. "What look?" I straightened my dress before sitting down, then crossed one leg over the other. 

"You look concerned or scared." There was always pros and cons when it came to long term friendships. She could read me like a damn book and sometimes I hated it. This was one of those moments.

"I'm fine." I glanced downwards, internally squealing when I noticed our cocktails had arrived while I was gone. I grabbed mine, slowly bringing the glass to my lips so I could take a sip.

"You can lie to the world but not me babe." Vanessa said nonchalantly, tilting her head sideways while wrapping her lips around the straw in her cup. She sipped slowly, her movements overly dramatic.

I laughed at her comment and her actions, shaking my head. "I'm not lying to you ma'am. I just remembered something about my brother." Her eyes lit up at the mention of Malik, making me smirk.

Just one whisper about the boy and it would have Vanessa going crazy. They tried to hide the fact that they liked each other but I was definitely observant and I wouldn't be opposed to their relationship at all.

"Oh." She cleared her throat. "Well in that case, I suppose I'll let it slide." At least my plan worked and I distracted her. Unfortunately I couldn't say the same about myself.

Thoughts of my professor was heavy on my mind, especially after what he told me. I squeezed my legs together, feeling a pounding sensation between them.

The things I'd let that man do to me.

Then something told me to look up and I did. Only to lock eyes with Sergio, who was currently walking next to a woman as he exited the vicinity. Please don't tell me that's his girlfriend or wife. She had her arm hooked into his — all while he kept his gaze on me.

I looked away first, not wanting to continue our pathetic staring contest. I gulped the rest of my cocktail in one go and then gently placed the empty glass on the table making Vanessa look at me quizzically.

"I need more alcohol."


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