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~???'S POV~

"Haa... where am I...?"

Jolting awake at the squeaky voice I had and realising I was not at the Healer's, I quickly scanned the room. It seemed bare- no windows, grey walls, a plainly tiled floor. A lone bed with moth-eaten sheets was the single decoration.

How long has it been?

The last thing I remember is a deep, deep sleep... a calloused hand gripping mine... a hoarse voice... excruciating pain...


"Ah!" I winced. So that pain still remains. I lay in bed and thought over my situation. The war against that Sustainer of Heavenly Principles- and those people. Gold, Albedo, the twins- ah, the effects of the curse must have taken place already... which means I should be a horrendous creature by now!

I quickly looked at my hands. "Why am I so short? And black- ooh, furry, that too."

I was a rabbit-like creature, I deduced; as after a little feeling around I got hold of two long ears. I was wearing a black kimono, except a little more like a robe- with long, flowy sleeves. The end of my robe-kimono had the design of my element, and the whole thing was decorated with golden stripes, symbols, and designs. My legs were decorated with two shimmery anklets; and two thin metal bands rested below my knees.

"Whoever designed this is adept at what they do," I hummed, satisfied with my outfit at least. A white, bejeweled rabbit mask lay beside me, and leaning against the old bed was a staff. Silvery and thin, at the top sat a piece of lumenite with the end of the staff curved around it. Upon closer inspection, all my metal items were made of lumina.

"Ah, wonderful!" I nodded. Grabbing the staff and donning the mask, I stepped out of the room to find-

"Oh- is that an Abyss Mage...?"

A young lady with glasses and ears which were half-hidden behind short green hair nearly dropped the vials she was holding. She was donned in white and blue, with gold accents here and there. On her neck, nestled within the black ruffles of her collar, was an Anemo vision.

"So, Barbatos gave you a vision? This is Teyvat?"

The lady stared at me for a moment, then crouched down. "You're intelligent for a Mage... and you seem quite docile."

Quickly studying my attire, she stood up. "You're quite unique, too. Diluc won't mind, would he?"


It seems this 'Diluc' would mind, as the young lady who I know now is called Sucrose returned with a mildly sad expression.

"Did I keep you waiting?" she asked in a low tone.

"No, not really- you came quickly."

"Well, best prepare yourself then- to run," Sucrose added when she noticed my confused expression.

Loud stomping and the scraping of a claymore followed.

"Yeah, I think I'll run..." I muttered, not wanting to chance myself in a fight yet with whoever wielded THAT huge a claymore.

"Not so fast," a gruff voice resounded.

A man- donning black pants and an equally black jacket with gold cuffs, paired with a white shirt tucked in with a large belt- entered, wielding that claymore I wished to avoid. He wore a piece of a red jewel on his neck, which accented his fiery red hair and eyes-

"Ragvindr!" I gasped, immediately clamping my mouth shut.

He wasted not a second, running to me and curving his thick blade- now with imbued with fire- in an impressive arc.

"Diluc, no!" Sucrose shouted as I ran under his legs and out the door.

Diluc and Sucrose were both quick to follow, dashing down the corridor. It must have been a funny sight: a green-haired lady chasing a man wielding a fiery blade chasing a small bunny creature which threw pulsating balls of light.

"Finally- the door!" I yelled in relief, dashing straight for it.

Unfortunately, Sucrose threw herself onto Diluc and they both crashed in front of the door. Panicking, I cast a shield around them as soon as Diluc decided one of his fiery arcs was the way to go. It bounced off the shield, and taking my chance as they were stunned, I ran out the door and concentrated, as he had taught me to before I fell.

The last thing Diluc and Sucrose saw of me was a flash of starry sky.


Ooookay, so how is it?

*sweats nervously*

I've been thinking about this for a LOOOOOONG time and finally, here it is!

Updates are inconsistent, forgive me {UnU} butttttttt I'll try :)

i   c r e a t e d    t h i s    b o o k ,    t h e n    w r o t e    t h i s -    a l l    i n    3 0     m i n u t e s

s e n d     h e l p

Edited 10:55, 3-9-2022

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