Chapter 4: trapped

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You slowly open your eyes and are greeted by a sense of uncomfort and irration fear. You realize that your still in the same room you had previously fallen asleep in. You turn you head to face the doorway and see something peeking around the corner

.I T F L E E S.

In its place is a sense of overwhelming fear. You find that you are frozen in you're position. You lay there, mind flying, for what seems like an eternity until you regain movement. You roll off of the bed and land hard on the floor. You stand up and run to the door wayto investigate. You get to the door way and look both ways down the hallway and find no evidence of anything being there. You run through the halls and rooms searching for what you had seen. You don't know why, this is always how people die in horror movies, but some thing within you pushes you forward. Some bissare curiosity keeps you going until you've searched the entire house, top to bottom. This leaves you more confused and terrified then ever.

What even was that? Am I just seeing things? This is insane, I wanna go home.

You remember the way the house reacts to wanting to leave so you swat any remaining thoughts of escape away. You think that if you're going to be here you may as well eat. You walk back downstairs and to the kitchen and stop at the fridge. You remember the odd way that the fridge provided you food before so you open the fridge, curious to see what will be in there now. You see that the only thing in there is some salad and a bowl of spaghetti. You grab the spaghetti and pop it in the microwave. You set the timer for one minute. You lean against the white counter top and start to take notice to some paintings on the wall. There are a couple of family photos on spread across the wall. The strange thing is that all of the people's faces have been blacked out. You move closer to a photo of a child and a man, for some reason it gives you an eerie feeling, like something isn't right, but you just can't place it. You think you see one of the photos in your peripheral change but the microwave beeps before you can turn to it.

You walk to the microwave and open it. You grab the spaghetti and walk to the dining table and sit down a the head of the table. Sitting there along you feel overwhelmingly alone you dig into your spaghetti and shovel some into your mouth. You chew slowly and feel as the silky noodles turn foul in you mouth you spit it out into your bowl and look down at its contents. Your eyes are greeted with writhing worms. Your stomach flips and you shoot out of your seat and run to the nearest trash can and empty your gut into it. When you look up you see the same dark figure in the doorway, looming over you, it slowly walks out of sight without a sound.

You flop onto the floor and lean against the wall, pulling your legs to your chest. You bury your head into your knees

This place is trying to kill me, the food, the water, and that monster thing, I don't even know what the hell that thing is.. this time I wasn't even thinking about leaving....

You slowly return to your feet and steady yourself on a wall to prevent you from falling. You walk back to the dining table where you find that the spaghetti has returned to normal. You're not going to eat any more of it, just in case the same thing happens again.

You drag yourself weakly to the couch in the living room and plop down on your back. An overwhelming exhaustion hits you like a wave and you drift slowly to sleep.


Hey, sorry this took so long, this chapter was giving me a hard time XD. Hope you enjoy it. I'm sure you'll like next chapter even more😏😏.

Thank you for the read and don't forget to vote <3

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