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As I awoke I was surrounded by my mates, Aro was cuddling me from behind as the big spoon, Caius was at my feet, and Marcus was in front of me smiling at my hair.  I play slap his chest and get up to shower.  Aro starts to open the bathroom door and peek. I yell at him to stop and start laughing at his pout.

Caius starts laughing with me and Marcus smiles aro goes and sits on the bed and I tease him by saying "You'll get to peek after my shower" he starts to smile again. I start the shower and start singing my jolly sailor bold.  I love the feeling of water dripping down my skin and start to play with my breasts. My fingers feel the knots from my bra and the stress from the performance. I start to rub the knots out and start to moan when they finally release. I hear my mates outside the door and chuckle at the sound of fabric shifting. 

When I finish my shower I wrap the towel around myself and step out of the bathroom. my mates are all sitting on the bed looking like they totally didn't hear me in the shower. Aro and Caius both smirk at my running through the bedroom and Marcus looks almost euphoric at having a mate to look at lovingly. I know Marcus will be the clingy one, since Didyme died he's been in a depression and I finally got him out of that funk. 

I dress in an elegant blood red gown and walk towards my mates to lace my corset.

I dress in an elegant blood red gown and walk towards my mates to lace my corset

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My mates smile as Aro laces up my corset back. I know what I must get done today, Charlie needs to be called and asked to come to the castle. I know my mates will do anything for me to be happy, he's number one on my list of priorities. Besides I know he'll love the private jet.  

"Loves I need to call my father and see if he will move into the castle. then I must call the Cullens and check on my sister." They all nod and smile at my words they know how much my father means to me. I grab my phone and call Dad. 

"Hey dad, I know this might be a long shot but would you like to move to Italy with my mates and I?" 

"Isolde I don't know I have Bella to take care of and there's the force and everything here has gotten crazy. The Cullens are trying to hide since Bella decided to try and force Edward to be with her. I know she's your sister but something happened when you left, she started to sleep  with Jacob and then tried to sleep with Edward and got rejected."

"Hold on, You're telling me that she slept with a 15-year-old and now is trying to sleep with a 117-year-old. She needs to be put in her place because at this rate she may as well be arrested for rape of a minor under the age of consent. Dad, I need you to bring her and the Cullens here she needs to be talked to by someone who is mated and isn't a fucking slut."

"Okay, what do I need to do?" 

"Pack all necessities and stop by the force and get someone to take over your position think of it as retiring early. we will send the jet to la push and meet you there. make sure Bella knows nothing of this." I hang up and sigh, time to call the Cullens and have them come here. 

"Aro honey can you call the Cullens and have them come to Volterra?" he nods and goes to the other room so I can calm down. "My sister and father will be here this Friday and I want to put the fear of god in my sister. She slept with a minor and now he thinks she is more important than the law. No injuring her but make sure she gets the point." Caius and Marcus nod and stare in awe at my regal attitude. I start to head to the throne room with my mates behind me. They added another throne. I sit seeing Jane and Alec, I smile at the children.

I know that we have trials today so I try to keep my excitement at bay while I watch my mates deal with these rogue vampires

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I know that we have trials today so I try to keep my excitement at bay while I watch my mates deal with these rogue vampires. I send Demitri, Alec, and Jane to get my family and the Cullens. I watch as heads roll throughout the day and smirk at Caius. I know he loves the cruel side of me and Marcus just chuckles at my antics. My family is coming tomorrow and I need to get their rooms prepared. as I tell Heidi and Cora how the rooms should look I make sure that they are to my specifications.

Charlie's room

Charlie's room

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Bella's room

As their rooms are finished being decorated I turn to find my mates behind me and know that something is up

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As their rooms are finished being decorated I turn to find my mates behind me and know that something is up. They take me to our room and start to ask if it's okay to start the claiming process. I smile at them and say yes. 

They rip my dress off of me and say we'll buy you another. they lay me down on the bed and I feel my panties soak at their tones. I smirk as I see their arousal.  Aro starts undressing first and I see his slightly hairy but toned form he starts to pull my panties down and Caius is next, his lithe form kisses me. as I am worshipped by these two greek gods Marcus starts to undress his form bare of hair and toned as a greek statue, he moves beside Aro and starts to lick at my core. 

Caius takes my mouth as Aro and Marcus take my needy hole. I scream around Caius and they all start to thrust. I feel euphoric as they thrust into me. I feel as though I have reached heaven and I am being loved by the gods themselves. I feel aro stiffen and release into me as Caius finishes in my mouth. Marcus takes it slow with me and he slows down and I feel my release coming. 

"Marcus I-I'm going to cum!" 

He quickens his pace and I squirt all over him and he finishes inside of me. All three of them bite me with no venom and I pass out from the pleasure.  

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