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Isolde pov.

I wake up with a gasp, my mates surround me, and I smell something delicious. I look and see the blood fountain from the ball in the room. I walk over to it and stick my finger in the flowing blood, I stick it in my mouth and moan at the taste. It's amazing! I grab a cup and fill it, drinking the blood I feel full, almost like I've eaten a whole 5-course meal. I see my mates have awoken and I step into their embrace. They still feel cold and I know something is off. 

I open my mouth to speak to them only for a wail to come out. They all back away and cover their ears. I close my mouth and try again. "My loves, What am I?" Caius responds "You are a banshee mi amour. we could tell from the wail." He says while pulling his finger out of his ear. I must tell dad he should know what is going on. My dad hurries to my chambers and hugs me he grew about 4 inches and his "stash" is gone. I gasp at the change but know it's something to do with my change as well. 

Bella crashes through the door as she freaks out because her change was about the same as mine. we wailed at the same time and Demetri led her to my room. the three of us hug and Bella is in shock at Dad's change. He sighs at the changes we all went through and starts to explain. "Our family is from Ireland and I thought we weren't part of the supernatural since we moved over during the famine. I guess we are banshees and we are an omen of death." 

We stare at him for a minute and then my phone goes off. We start to call everyone that we know to see if they are okay. When dad gets off the phone with Sue he sighs a deep sigh. "Harry's dead, and we were warned of it." He throws his phone across the room and it shatters. Bella and I hug him as tears roll down his cheeks. We need to move Billy and the others here because if we move the Volturi, it's going to look bad and we need them close so they can be warned. 

We call Billy and ask if it would be an option for the tribe to move to Volterra. He says yes and says he will have Jacob pack everything for the trip. I know Sam phased and with them being around vamps like my mates it will be hard for them but I'm sure a treaty can be created.  

My mates get the jet ready for the trip across the ocean and we take off ready for the tribe to move in. 

I know it's short but it's late and I'm tired and only just got the urge to write.  

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