~Training~ Chapter 4

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Ponk's POV

I was woken up by my alarm clock. I looked over to see it was 7:30AM and that Sam and Foolish where already out of bed. I streched my arms and rubbed my eyes.

Then, i realised that i had slept in my mask. Normally I wouldnt but i was in a cabin with two strangers so I guess there was exeptions. I went over to suitcase and got out a new mask. I took the mask i was wearing off and slipped the new one on. I signed and walked back over to my phone, i was still so exhausted.

"Oh you're finally awake", i hear a voice from behind me. I turn around just to see Mumza-  I MEAN Kristin. I just nodded my head and waited for a answer. "Well you shouls start heading down to the cafeteria, you need a good nutrition in you for today we are training", She said before giving me a smile and walking away.


How am i supposed to do this!? I cant train around people! Only people i can is Purpled or Punz but thats because they are the only ones who know how to calm me down if i go overboard. I was starting to get very anxious, but i just shook my head and decided to now be a wussy.


I had gotten changed and sorted myelf our before grabbing my phone and walking our of my cabin. There i saw Purpled and Punz talking, waiting infront of my cabin. "Oh, there you are Ponk! We was waiting for you so that we can go get breakfast together!", Purpled said. Being the joyfull person he was. I just nodded and followed him to the cafeteria.

On the way i just scanned the atmosphere around us. It was beautiful. Trees covered the area, along with Grass and flowers. It was such a peaceful place. 'I wouldnt mind coming here at night'. I continued looking around till i heard Punz' voice. "Where here~", he said.  I looked up to the outside -nature themed- cafe. All of the demi-gods where there and they were all eating/drinking.

We began walking to a empty table and we sat down. "Sooo, what ya guys getting", Punz says. Hes was just trying to get rid of the unconfortable and silent atmosphere. "Probably just like, toast, or some thing", i said. Both of them looked shocked and confused at the same time. "Just toast?... you can get anything! But you chose toast?..", Purpled said. I just nodded and pulled my phone out.

"Its hard to eat anything else when all night you've been awake", i said. Its true. I had somiphobia: which is the fear of sleeping. I normally stayed awake all night or if i do get to sleep i end up waking multipul times throughout the night. "Mhh...". Then, a light appeared on the table. It caught me off guard but then i realised it was just out breakfast. "Really punz?... blood?" Purpled says. I look up and he was right. There a a glass bottle full of blood. "Ok, to be honest, i havent had blood in ages", Punz says trying to defend himself. I just sign and shake my head.

I looked down at my peice of toast. Pocking it. "You gonna eat that", punz says. I just shrug my sholders and but my heaf on my fist. Leaning on it.

10 minutes later

We was just chatting until Phil and Kristen comes walking in.

"Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a very nice sleep because its training day today! During training we will be able to see you durability on strength and stamina. We will also be able to see what your powers are. Though, I already know most of your powers. Now everyone, you have 5 minutes left. After those 5 minutes please come to the training area. We will meet you there.", after Kristen said all that she began walking away, Phil following behind her. I looked over at Punz and Purpled and they was looking at me concerned.

I just signed and looked down at my phone again.

I really didnt want to do this.


We were all going to the training area to meet Kristen and Phil. Once we got there we all created a circle so that there was a empty space; which is where Phil and kristen are.

"Good! You're all here", Phil said. We all  nodded our heads. I nodded my head hesitantly though. "Now then, now that you are are all here i will explain what we are doing today! Since it is all of yours first times meeting eachother and such you are all going to fight against eachother using your powers! Do not worry we have a instant regen spell around this place", Kristin explained.

I could hear everyones breath hinch before exhaling when Kristen explained that there was a regeneration spell around here. I didnt really care though. I never even plan to fight anyone, yes ill probably like practice dodges and such, but i arnt fighting anyone.

Foolish's POV

While Phil and Kristin where talking I could help but notice how Ponk slightly flinched when Kristen had said 'fight'. My instant thoughs were:

Can he not fight?     Is he scared?
Is he scared that he might hurt someone?

Once they stopped talking everyone has gone into a pair (Me and Sam being a group obviously). I looked at Ponk again to see him fidgeting. I was so confused. Whats wrong with them?

Ponk' POV

I could sense that that Totem was staring at me. Thats one thing that annoys me bur also makes me glad. I can sense when people are staring at me or are sneeking around. So i woukd know if someone is tring to Assassinate me. Purpled walked up to me and patted me on the back. "Im assuming Punz went with Antfrost", Purpled just smiled at me and nodded. "Well i actually told him to, i knew that you wouldnt like to be partnered up with anyone else than me or purpled or Skeppy and Skeppys with Bad", he explained.

I just nodded my head and we began to walk to our spot and Purpled started to form. You see Purpled is a alien. He is pretty stong when we wants to be. He can do amny differnt things, I always try to push him to go overboured but hes always worried that he'll hurt me. I always tell him ill be fine but he never listens. We began training. Purpled shooting me with these yellowish- purple beams while i dodge them.

This continued on for a about 20-45 minutes before Kristen and Phil called us back over. "Well done everyone! I have seen all your excellent powers and how powerful they are! It is now dinnertime so we should all start heading over to the cafeteria! Though, Ponk, may we speak to you after everyone us gone?",  She said. I could hear some girls wispering, giggling and Ooo~ing. I just nodded my head feeling anxious.


When everyone started walking away i stayed were i stood.

Kristen and Phil signed and looked at me.

"Ponk, we have seen today that you have spectacular dodging skill but we couldnt help but notice that you never used your abilitys. Can you please explain why? Do not worry you are not in trouble!", Kristen said. I swollowed the big lumb that was forming in my throat. "I just... dont really like using my powers... I fell like if I do ill go overboured and hurt someone...badly" , I explained.

Kristen just sighned again and loom at Phil and then me. "We will let you off this time, but please nect time try using your abilitys please. Even if its just one tiny thing", She said. She had a worried yet calming facial expression. I nodded my head. "Thats good, now you better start heading to the cafeteria!", I nodded once again and turned around and began walking away from them.

Chapter 4 of 'The mysterious human?'

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