1:4 Hope Is Not The Goal

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Hope Is Not The Goal
Part 1

Hope Is Not The GoalPart 1————

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"We should get to sleep, Kate Lockwood." Hope whispered the last part to Vampires didn't hear my full name.

As you both hopped into bed, you felt the need to say one last thing. "You're a great friend, Hope, possibly even my best friend. Always know that." You looked into Hope's eyes as said that. Hope's face went to one of a deep red blush. "Good Night." You finished, turning over and falling into a peaceful sleep.

But that peaceful sleep didn't last long.


You woke up gasping for air as the 2 nightmares that happened prior the week. Your nightmare with your parents and being paralysed. Bad enough both of them scare you but both in the same dream forced you two wake up, hyperventilating. This caused Hope to jump awake, as she looked at you, she saw sweat and you looking very disturbed and scared.

"Hey," Hope said, wrapping you in a hug, resting her head on your head. You rested your head on her chest, slightly calming down. She drew circles on your arm in an attempt to calm you down. "you're okay. Nothing's gonna get you as long as I'm here." Hope soothed. Your breathe hadn't calmed down so Hope cupped your head and forced you to look up at her.

Tears threatened to drop as you looked into Hope's worried eyes. As Hope looked into yours, she saw a scared girl who needed an anchor to her humanity and life outside the nightmare she has to endure. "You're okay." Hope whispered, resting her forehead against yours.

After a couple of minutes just sitting like this you had finally calmed down. "Thank you." You said in a shaky tone.

Hope nodded. As you both looked into each other's eyes, you felt calmer. "Alaric is having an assembly this morning so we better get reader because it starts soon." Hope said, letting go of your cheeks, the warmth and comfort leaving with her.

"Okay.." You said, getting out the bed. You grabbed a piece of the school uniform from Hope's closet, quickly getting changed. Hope doing the same. "Before we leave, can you teach me a little bit of magic?" You asked.

Hope smiled. "Sure." She grabbed a old looking book. "This is a grimore, full of all the spells a witch could dream of. This is the Mikaelson grimore but let's start with an easier one." She paused. "Myself." She held her arms out, causing you to laugh. "Let's start with a simple spell. Invisique." Hope said as she waved her hand in front of her and became invisible.

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