Storming the HQ

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???: You've got to Recker.

The SAS Team Leader takes her Mask off Revealing it to be Ruby.

Ruby: Ruby Rose, Captain, 22 SAS. Ren sent us code Jekyll island.

Recker: President Goodwitch has just been taken to be executed live. And these idiots are going to kill her for Revenge.

Ruby: We know, At 8 P.M. it's all over the Internet. We'll take care of it, Move Out!

Recker: Hey Hey!

Ruby: We can't let you come with us Mate.

Recker: How many times have you saved this woman's a**, Now I'm going to get him and you can either kill me or you can come with me, buy it ain't gonna go any other way.

Ruby: After You.

Meanwhile at Scotland Yard.

Yang types in the authentication code for the cameras.

Yatsu: What did you do?

Yang: Disable the Authorization code that shut down the security cameras. They've been watching us using our own Surveillance systems.

Yatsu: Wait, What authorization code?

At the abandoned construction site.....

Two terrorists just took Glynda captive.

Weiss: This is going to get worse.

Adam: You should be thankful, how many men get to experience their death witnessed by billions live. You are going to go down in history.

Glynda: I'm not the only one who's gonna die today Adam.

Glynda is punched once, making her get on the floor. The villains are liking it but Recker is furious that it's very rude to punch a government official.

Recker is now seen behind a car peeking at some terrorists ready to defend the base.

Ruby: *grabs a radio* Box Command.

Recker: Recker.

Yatsu: Daniel Recker? This is Chief inspector Daichi, hold your position our military will be on your location.

Recker: No sir the President's gonna be dead in ten.

Yatsu: You don't understand, we have NSA imagery of where you're going, there are nearly a hundred terrorists in there.

Recker: Well Yeah? They should've brought more men. Things are about to get sporty.

Ruby: Just watch your balls.

Recker: Will do.

They initiate the assault and they have one casualty on the SAS and Delta Commando joint team.

Weiss: Don't I Recognize that person?

When Weiss realizes it, the one breaking through the door is her brother Whitley.

Weiss: WHITLEY!?

When Weiss spots the One Using a G36K she realizes it's Her older sister Winter.

Weiss and Whitley: WINTER?!

The assault still goes on with a second soldier down.

Recker: RPG!

They resume the assault on the construction site. Until a van with an M-240D is gunning the joint team down.

Recker: They got another man down.


When the SAS Team throw a grenade a loud scream is heard. When two more Soldiers try running for cover a Delta operator is killed but the one running who was Blake because of the ears she has going out of the beanie.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2022 ⏰

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