Chapter IV : Family.

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It felt like a dream. It had to be a dream.

The soreness of his body told him that it was far from a dream. Laying on his back, he stared up at the ceiling just as he had done the day before in his hotel room. He slowly lifted his hand, touching it against his neck. Brushing his fingertips across his swollen and marked scent gland. Lowering his eyes and blushing as he tilted his head to the side. Messy strands of sandy blonde falling in his face as he found himself staring at the most remarkable thing. A sleeping Jeon Jungkook. When he could examine the other this closely, without those lips of his moving, Jimin wouldn't deny that the Alpha was handsome but still seemed to hold a boyish charm that was all his own. Jimin slowly rolled over onto his side, wincing a little at the pain it brought him to move. Somehow, they ended up going even more rounds after that initial one and he felt like it would take days for him to recover. Jimin folded his arm under his head as he hesitantly reached out and brushed his lithe fingers through Jungkook's messy waves, getting them off his face. A soft groan from Jungkook made him still but the other didn't seem to awake, only bury his face deeper into the pillow. Jimin couldn't help the small smile. 'Like this, he almost reminds me of a pup.' The thought made Jimin's gaze lower a bit more as he pulled his hand back, but it was suddenly grabbed by the wrist. Jimin's eyes widened as Jungkook very slightly opened his visible eye.

"Don't stop." Jungkook croaked out so deeply, it sent chills down Jimin's spine, but he willed his body to not react.

"Don't stop what?" Jimin asked.

"Mm, runnin' your fingers through my hair." Jungkook said as he pulled Jimin's arm towards him and set the other's hand back in the same spot. "Feels good."

Jimin blinked before he couldn't help the small smirk and quirk of his brow.

"What are you? A child?" Jimin asked.

"I can't help that you have the magic touch strawberry." Jungkook mumbled, closing his eye, and getting comfortable again.

Jimin shouldn't. He should get up, call his manager, and get the hell out of here but somehow all that seemed like far too much work at the moment. Instead, he just laid there and did as Jungkook wanted, stroking his fingers through the other's hair until both fell back asleep.

"You did what!?" The voice that boomed through his cellphone was enough to worsen the headache that Jimin already felt coming on.

"Tae, please lower your voice." Jimin said, slowly making himself some tea now that he was back in his apartment and not a hotel room.

"I'm sorry Min but how did you expect me to react when you tell me something like that!?" Taehyung said.

"I know, I know. But I have a headache and I can't handle any shouting or loud noises right now." Jimin huffed, turning to lean against his counter as he crossed his free arm over his chest and tucked his hand under his arm holding the phone.

"Well, if I spent the whole night fucking Jeon Jungkook, I might have a headache myself." Taehyung snorted as Jimin clicked his tongue at the other's teasing.

"Not funny." Jimin said as he closed his eyes.

"Sorry, sorry! So, what are you going to do?" Taehyung asked.

"What can I do? It has already been decided by my agency. All of my schedules were pushed back until we – "

"Mate?" Taehyung cut in.

"Mhm." Jimin said as he slightly opened his eyes.

"Are you really going to go through with this Min? I mean, mating is forever." Taehyung said, sounding full of worry for his soulmate.

"I know." Jimin said as he turned his head and glanced out at his view of the city across the apartment. "But he already bought the mating rights from the agency. If I don't go through with it, I will be sent to a farm or worse."

There was a moment of silence before it sounded like Taehyung was shuffling a few things around on his end.

"I mean, I could always kidnap you." Taehyung suggested.

Jimin smiled, leave it to Taehyung to be willing to break the law on his behalf. To be fair he would do the same for the other.

"No, no. It's okay. If I focus more on how this benefits me instead of all the negatives, it makes it slightly less awful." Jimin said.

"Is Jungkook really that bad? I mean he is hot as hell, and I am sure he has a big dick; those are like two of your favorite things in one package!" Taehyung said with a matter – of – fact tone.

"It isn't that he is that bad, I just hate how vulnerable he makes me feel. With just his voice he can do things to me. Make me feel like I have no control over myself. As an Omega, that is the worst feeling. It's bad enough that I am a slave to my instincts but to experience it firsthand, it doesn't feel good Tae." Jimin said as he heard the beep of the machine behind him.

"I'm sorry Min, I can't imagine what that is like." Taehyung said softly.

"Don't be sorry. I know you didn't mean it like that. I probably just sound like a whiny, ungrateful bitch right now. This is a position a lot of Omegas would kill to be in. Luckily for me, Jungkook seems to actually like me." Jimin said as he turned and pressed the button the machine to release the hot water into his mug.

"Well, if he didn't and made you do this, I would kick his ass." Taehyung huffed.

"Pretty sure he would bend you into a pretzel." Jimin said with a soft giggle after as Taehyung let out an overdramatic gasp.

"Like hell he would! I know how to fight dirty!" Taehyung said.

"I appreciate that you would do such unforgivable things for me Tae." Jimin said as he leaned over the counter and sighed.

"Anytime, you know I've always got your back Min, if you need anything, I am only a text or call away. I don't care who I am dealing with, I won't let anything bad happen to you." Taehyung said sternly.

"I know, I really love you Tae, I'm glad I have you." Jimin said softly, feeling warmed at Taehyung's declaration.

"I love you too Min! We are family and family sticks together!" Taehyung said as Jimin raised a hand to cover his mouth as he stared at the water rushing down into the mug.

Family. The one thing Jimin desired most and could never seem to obtain even though he had Taehyung. Having lost his parents early on in life, perhaps he didn't have a chance from the start. It was only by chance that he was picked up by the agency, the CEO attracted to his unique and androgynous looks. Chatting with Taehyung a bit longer, he eventually had to get off as he snuggled up on his couch and just tried to clear his mind for a bit. Watching one of his favorite movies, The Notebook, and trying to pretend just for the moment that his whole life wasn't about to change for the better or worse.

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